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After Qi Yun returned to the courtyard, everyone excitedly surrounded Qi Yun:

"Yunyun, Yunyun, it's time to upgrade again. How many episodes can it be upgraded to?"

"I see that the condition for upgrading to level 2 is not to rent out 200 small courtyards, but they haven't been rented out yet?"

"Those are the obvious conditions for upgrading, and there are also hidden conditions. The hidden condition is that you can upgrade if your one-time income reaches a certain standard."

"Okay, let's upgrade quickly, but does this upgrade require points?"

"No need, no need, as long as it meets the standard, okay, then upgrade."

"Well, I'll go then. It will only take about an hour this time."

"Okay, I'll wait for you to come back."

"Yeah, goodbye Yunyun." After saying that, Tuantuan disappeared.

Qiyun watched the group go to upgrade, and there was no point in staying by herself. He went out, took out a deck chair and placed it under a tree she planted in the yard. He lay down and covered himself with a thin bed. blanket, close your eyes, and rest your mind. After a while, although he didn't really want to sleep, maybe the atmosphere was too comfortable, so Qiyun fell asleep just like that.

She didn't sleep long, only half an hour, but this half hour of sleep made her particularly comfortable.

Qiyun woke up, and Tuantuan returned after completing the upgrade:

"Yunyun, please quickly open the system and take a look. Look, you have been upgraded to three levels in a row. This time you can open 9 more stores. There is no limit on the number of store employees. No matter how many stores you open in the future, you will not be afraid of being busy. But here we are. There are also point rewards, and there are many more things that can be unlocked! Yunyun, look at it."

"Okay, let me see." Qi Yun looked at Tuantuan and smiled fondly, then turned on the system and started looking at it.

Generally speaking, it is similar to what Tuantuan said, but the most important thing is that it can build 1,000 more small courtyards, but Qiyun doesn't care. After all, the B&B has just started operating, and all 200 small courtyards have not been rented out yet. , how long will it take to rent 1,000 units, but new stores can be built, and the children's playground can be set up independently. You can also open a clinic, and then separate the fruits, vegetables and clothing in the convenience store into a separate place. Open a fresh food store and clothing store.

Just do it, Qiyun thought about it and started to take action:

First, the small courtyard where she lived was moved to the rear, and the convenience store was moved to the rear, leaving about 4 stores. The self-service hotpot remained in place, and was built next to it where the convenience store originally was. A fresh food store. Behind the fresh food store are a clothing store and a clinic. Next to the convenience store is a children's paradise.

The interiors of these buildings, except for the children's playground, are all directly based on the templates provided by the system. However, the fresh food stores and clothing stores have been changed to supermarket shopping models, which will make it easier for the clerks who will come to work in the future. , and provides customers with convenience and space.

After determining the buildings that needed to be constructed, Qi Yun temporarily pressed the save button without directly changing the layout of the buildings. After saving it, he asked Tuantuan to settle the accounts. Knowing that his points were enough, he chose to unlock all the items that could be unlocked in the B&B after the upgrade. The small courtyard also chose to build on a scheduled basis. Yes, Qiyun planned to unlock all the items that could be unlocked in the B&B after the upgrade. The 1,000 small courtyards have been built, so that there are so many people gathered in the backyard as soon as they come back from going out, and the time is set at 1 o'clock in the morning. At this time, those who should get off work get off work, and those who should go to bed will go to bed. .

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