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Qi Yun led the five people to the small courtyard No. 02, opened the door of the small courtyard, led the five people into the small courtyard, opened the door of the small house at the same time, and introduced:

"That's it, but this is a single-person courtyard. Each courtyard can only accommodate one person. However, if there is demand, it can be renovated or expanded according to the requirements of the guests."

"How to expand? To what extent can it be renovated?" The person who asked the question was the man wearing glasses among the five people. He looked very gentle.

"Well, this is customization. If you want to live together, I can provide customization services. It depends on what you want to customize? But the most basic thing is to merge multiple small courtyards into one. Each person in the courtyard still has one There is only one room, but the location of the room in the yard can be freely chosen.

"Is there anything else?" This was another sunny and handsome guy.

"Or you can expand the house in a small courtyard. It's up to you to decide how many rooms you want to expand into. Of course, different room sizes have different prices."

"Then can I expand the courtyard, Yunyun?"

"Oh, Yuan Yuan, when did you come here? I didn't even see you."

"Hehe, I'm always here. Beauty Yunyun, answer me quickly. Can I expand my courtyard or house?"

"Of course you can. Didn't Yuan Yuan tell you this before when you recharged?"

"I thought it could only be renovated on the original basis, but it turns out it can be expanded. So what should I do?"

"Well, just use the optical brain to operate it. You can go back and try it. However, after expansion, it will still look the same on the outside, but when you go inside, it will show its expanded appearance."

"Okay, then I'll go back and give it a try, Yunyun, bye." Tong Yuanyuan jumped away as he said that.

After watching Tong Yuanyuan leave, Qi Yun said to the five people:

"How about it, have all the guests decided?"

"Pay with what?"

"Points can be redeemed with crystal cores, precious metal jewelry and valuable items. Of course, if you haven't made a decision yet, you can stay one night to experience it."

"Then redeem the points for us first, and then each of us will open a small courtyard."

"Okay, then please follow me." After saying that, Qiyun led the five people back to the convenience store. This time she did not enter the counter, but stood outside and introduced the points redemption machine and self-service check-in to the five people. How to use the check-in machine.

Because there were only three original courtyards, after they rented the remaining two courtyards, they stopped the activities of the remaining three people.

"Please wait a moment, you three." As he said that, he called up the system operation panel in his mind. It was already possible to add new courtyards. Qiyun opened all the five courtyards that could be opened in one go. The decorations and furniture inside were The basic decoration template of the system was directly applied. Now there are 8 small courtyards in the B&B. The newly opened 5 small courtyards are arranged along the original 3 small courtyards, and there are a total of 8 small courtyards in one row.

"Okay, everyone can continue." After the operation was completed, Qi Yun said to the remaining three people.

Maybe they were afraid of being cheated or something, but each of these five people only exchanged one level 1 crystal core and rented a small courtyard for one day. After renting the small courtyard, the five of them each bought some food and went into the small courtyard where they rented.

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