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Early the next morning, Qi Yun felt a little short of breath. When he lowered his head, he saw Jiang Xinrui lying on top of him like an octopus, with his head resting on his chest.

Shaking his head helplessly, he took Jiang Xinrui off his body, bought a plush toy as high as one person from the mall and stuffed it into Jiang Xinrui's arms.

Jiang Xinrui was sleeping so soundly that even when Qiyun took her off her body and replaced her with a stuffed toy, she just rubbed the stuffed toy without any intention of waking up.

Qi Yun got out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash up. He was wearing a camouflage work-style suit, a pair of long work boots with a high ponytail, and even a big red lip with lipstick. Rustic and beautiful.

At this time Jiang Xinrui got up. She seemed to be in a sleep state and forgot where she was. She got out of bed and walked to the bathroom with her eyes half open. Maybe it was because of the different layout. She was about to hit the door frame. Qi Yun happened to walk from the bathroom. He came out and stopped her in time.

Jiang Xinrui, who was stopped by Qi Yun, woke up because of this incident. Only then did she remember that she had stayed with Qi Yun last night, and she blushed in embarrassment.

"Okay, go wash up and come out later to change clothes. I'll prepare a new one for you. What do you want to wear?"

"Really, Sister Yun, can I wear the same thing as you?" Jiang Xinrui said excitedly.

"Okay, go ahead." After hearing Qi Yun's agreement, Jiang Xinrui happily washed up.

Qiyun looked at Jiang Xinrui who came in, and took out a set of clothes and shoes that fit her figure according to the model she mentioned. The jacket and shoes were the same style as hers, and she also had a soft pink dress inside. tights and a cute hair tie with a bunny on it.

After putting everything on the bed, he thought for a moment, then took out a set of skin care products suitable for Jiang Xinrui's age and a makeup box full of makeup, and said to the bathroom:

"Ruirui, the things on the bed are all for you. Don't worry. Just come to the restaurant after you have packed them up." After that, he walked to the restaurant.

When Qi Yun came to the restaurant, he took out today's breakfast. After looking at it, he thought it might not be enough, so he took two more boxes of milk, two drawers of soup dumplings, and even two boxes of fruit from the inventory. This fruit was prepared by Tong Yuanyuan for her before.

The food was ready, and after waiting for about 10 minutes, Jiang Xinrui came out. She was obviously wearing the same style as Qi Yun, but Jiang Xinrui looked extremely cute, while Qi Yun was at least 2 meters tall. The royal sister with the above aura.

Only then did Jiang Xinrui clearly see Qi Yun's outfit, and threw herself on Qi Yun with a "wow" sound, hanging on Qi Yun like a koala:

"Sister Yunyun, how can you be so beautiful?" Jiang Xinrui stared at Qiyun without blinking.

"Okay, okay, come down and eat. Didn't you also say you wanted to be my tour guide?"

"Yeah, I'll eat right now. Hehe, I feel like I can eat two more bowls of rice just by looking at my sister!" Jiang Xinrui said with a silly smile, but she still didn't get off Qi Yun and kept staring at her.

"Okay, well, come down and eat obediently." Qiyun peeled Jiang Xinrui off of him, picked up the milk on the side and took a sip.

Jiang Xinrui followed Qi Yun's strength and got off her body, sat on a chair nearby, took some milk and drank it.

While Jiang Xinrui was drinking milk, her eyes kept rolling on the table, and she smiled while looking at so many delicious foods.

Both of them drank the milk before eating anything else, and the fruit was left at the end. After everything was eaten, Jiang Xinrui touched her belly, which was already full without even realizing it. Yes. This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading---->>>

When Qi Yun saw this scene, he laughed out loud:

"Here, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, and eat." Qiyun handed Jiang Xinrui two Jianweixiaoshi tablets.

After taking Jianweixiaoshi tablets and sitting for a while, Jiang Xinrui stood up:

"Sister, let's go back to my house and ride a sightseeing car. Otherwise, it's a bit far."

So two beauties wearing the same style of clothing and each with their own characteristics walked hand in hand to Jiang's house. Unfortunately, no one could appreciate this scene for the time being.

"Okay." The two people arrived at Jiang's house. Jiang Xinrui rode a 4-seater sightseeing car out of the carport and took Qi Yun away without even entering the house to say hello to her family.

Just at this time, Jiang Yi came out of the room to go to work. Seeing Jiang Xinrui leave without looking back, he swallowed what he was about to say and silently extended his hand.

Jiang Nan saw his brother's appearance, patted his head from behind and left, followed by Father Jiang and Mother Jiang, one by one, then Grandpa Jiang and Grandpa Han again, Jiang Yi suddenly shouted Make a sound:

"My life is so miserable."

Hearing the cry of his second grandson in the house, he shook his head helplessly, slowly took Grandma Han's hand and walked upstairs together.

Only then did Jiang Yi remember that he would be late for work, so he quickly took back his hand and ran forward.

At this time, Qi Yun and Jiang Xinrui had arrived at the largest trading market in the Sunshine Base. Qi Yun glanced at this so-called largest trading market and compared it with the one in Shen City. It seemed a bit messy, but it had more life. breath.

After leaving the sightseeing car in custody, the two walked into the market:

"Sister Yunyun, do you want to buy anything? I took dad's points card."

"There's nothing we want to buy. Let's just walk around and look around."

"Okay, let's go over there first. They sell all kinds of sundries over there. Maybe we can find treasures."

"Okay, it's all up to you." As they spoke, the two of them walked towards the sundries area of ​​the trade market. In fact, this debris area is an area divided by the leaders of the Sunshine Base for ordinary people and people who dont have it. It can also be regarded as a convenience measure. The division of this area also brings convenience to ordinary people and can also provide them with Adding an extra bit of income to their lives makes them live a better life.

"Sister Yunyun, look, everything is sold here. As long as you have money, you can buy everything here, including people." Jiang Xinrui said the last sentence in Qi Yun's ear.

Qi Yun's expression remained unchanged and he continued shopping. At the same time, Jiang Xinrui was also explaining to her. At this time, they were looking at the items on the stall, and other people were also looking at them. After all, Qi Yun's beauty was hard to see, and with Jiang Xinrui, the two of them were neatly dressed, so Extraordinarily attractive.

Suddenly Qi Yun stopped and came to a stall. He squatted down, picked up a stone on the stall and observed it. When Jiang Xinrui saw this, he bought it without negotiating the price.

"Ruirui." Qiyun called Jiang Xinrui's name helplessly.

"Sister." Jiang Xinrui coquettishly.

"Okay, okay, let's go." After saying that, Qi Yun stood up, put the stone in his pocket, took Jiang Xinrui's hand and left. This chapter has been read (please click on the next chapter to continue reading!)

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