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Chapter 151 RV starts business (1/2)

Author: Fengyu Word count: 5172 Update time: 2023-10-08 08:30:12

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After the eldest brother took the things and left, the youngest immediately became active and opened his mouth:

"Can I eat this?"

He pointed to the plate of pastries that Qiyun took out when they first entered.

"Of course, I brought it out for you to eat. You should also drink the water."

When the youngest heard this, he picked up the water, opened the bottle cap, poured four glasses of water, poured a cup for the second, third, fourth and himself, and then counted the pastries on the plate. , an average of two points per person.

He took his two and asked Qiyun:

"Is it okay to eat this directly?"

"Well, just eat it directly, but you have to eat it slowly and in small bites."

"I see, thank you."

Then he held a small piece of pastry with a pious expression and, according to Qi Yun, ate it in small bites, chewing each bite thoroughly before swallowing it.

The others were also influenced by him, and each took the cakes assigned to them by the youngest and slowly ate them.

After the youngest carefully finished two pieces of pastries, he spoke to Qiyun again:

"Thank you for letting me eat the legendary pastry. I really appreciate it. If you need anything in the future, feel free to come to me. As long as I can help, I will do my best to help you."

"You're welcome, but have you ever eaten pastry?"

"Well, I haven't eaten it. I'm only 15 years old. I was only 3 years old when the apocalypse appeared. At that time, I could only eat mush. When I could eat it, it was gone. I could only watch it on the video."

"That's a bit miserable."

At this time, the second child also spoke:

"Let's go. I'll take you to get your ID card first, and then choose a place to open your business. If you need a store, we have one too."

"Then please take us to apply for ID cards first, but we don't need a store. Our RV can be used for business and accommodation."


After the second brother took them to apply for identity cards, he led them to drive near a three-story building.

The second child pointed to a large place next to the small building and said to Qiyun and the others:

"This is the foundation for the youngest. You can use it first. We live in the three floors next to it. It is convenient for us to help if there is any situation."

"Okay, thank you very much. We will officially open tomorrow. You are welcome to come and spend money."

"Okay, we'll be here. You guys can rest first. We're leaving."

The second brother led the people away, and Qiyun and the others sat in the RV for a meeting.

"Okay, we will officially open tomorrow. What do you think we should sell?"

Now that the place is smaller, we can sell something that is easy to grab and can leave quickly.

"Well, yes, only by finishing it faster can we receive more customers and upgrade faster."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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