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The four of them followed the waiter who led the way to a hall. The people in the hall were all dressed in very gorgeous and strange clothes. "Dear guests, the auction has not started yet. You can play here for a while. When the auction starts, I will lead the guests to the auction house." "Okay, you can go and change some coins for me." J

iang Nan threw a coin to the waiter. card. "Okay guest, wait a moment." After replying, the waiter turned to leave. "Divide it into four parts." Jiang Yi said. "Good customer." The waiter bowed again and responded. "Brother, what kind of place is this? It's so mysterious?" Jiang Xinrui asked, leaning next to Jiang Nan. "Wherever you go, just have fun. I'm warning you, don't take off the mask at any time. Do you hear me? Also, you must stay with me and your second brother, otherwise, you know." Although there is. Even with the mask on, he rolled his eyes at Jiang Xinrui.

"Okay, the second brother will let you play in a while. The eldest brother's game is not suitable for you. There is a game room next to it. Haven't you been talking about wanting to play games and catch dolls at home?" "Is it okay? Is it okay? You can catch dolls. Play games?" Jiang Xinrui asked excitedly. "Well, sure, it's specially designed for women. When the waiter comes back later, I'll take you there to play and let you have fun." Jiang Yi patiently answered his sister's question. "Hey, thank you, second brother, I want to play with my sister." "Forget it, your sister doesn't care about playing your childish games."

"Hmph!" "Okay, don't be there like a little pig. Humph, the waiter is here, I'll take you to play." As soon as Jiang Yi finished speaking, the waiter came over with a large tray. "Okay, you two each take a box of coins and follow us." Jiang Yi ordered two waiters to follow them and take Jiang Xinrui away. "Wait a moment!" Jiang Xinrui pulled Jiang Yi to Qi Yun's side. "Sister, you come with me and my second brother. I'll take you to play the game console and catch dolls." Qiyun thought for a while and said, "You go and have fun. I'll just follow your brother." " Sister..." "Okay, be good, go and have fun with your second brother."

Qi Yun touched Jiang Xinrui's head and comforted her. "Okay, let's go." After hearing her second brother's urging, Jiang Xinrui had to reluctantly follow Jiang Yi with her lips pouted. Seeing Jiang Xinrui follow Jiang Yi, Jiang Nan said to Qi Yun, "Shall we go too?" "Okay." After hearing the affirmative answer, Jiang Nan took Qi Yun to a place, which was bustling with people. "This is this?" "Here are all the games for adults that can be played before the end of the world." "Okay, you play one first and let me see."

Jiang Nan led Qi Yun to a gambling machine. The waiter behind him stepped forward with a wink and put in the coins, and the machine started running. Jiang Nan randomly selected an option and pressed the confirm button. Colorful lights flashed on the machine and a large number of coins were spit out. "Is this a win?"

"Yes, this is the simplest one-person game." "Oh, let's watch the next one." So, Jiang Nan led Qi Yun to play all the machines. . "How's it going?" "It's okay, let's go find them." "Okay." Jiang Nan shrugged nonchalantly and led Qi Yun to find Jiang Yi and Jiang Xinrui. Jiang Xinrui was having fun, and Qi Yun didn't bother her, just watching silently. About half an hour later, the waiter who followed Jiang Nan came to Jiang Nan and said, "Guest, do you want to participate in the auction?" "Yes." "Then, distinguished guests, please come with me."

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