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It took 4 hours to eat this hot pot meal. If Qi Yun hadn't been the boss, he would have been kicked out long ago.

Especially Jiang Xinrui, probably because of her strength-based powers, she is obviously a delicate and soft girl, but she eats more than his two brothers combined. Qi Huan is watching from the side and is afraid of stretching her out. Anyway.

Seeing that the four of them had finally finished their meal, Qi Yun gave everyone a cup of hawthorn drink made by Qi Huan and said:

"Okay, okay, you've finished eating. You should have eaten so much. Come back with me and have a rest. We'll talk about other things tomorrow."

"Hiccup... OK." This is Jiang Yi. Jiang Xinrui glanced at her second brother up and down, moved aside in disgust, and took Qi Huan's hand.

"You..." Jiang Yi was so angry that he rolled his eyes at his sister and ignored her, and drank happily with the hawthorn drink.

"Let's go, let's go. It just so happens that I have added a place for you in my small courtyard."

After saying that, he took Kitten Girl's hand and strolled back to his own courtyard. Jiang Xinrui followed behind with Qi Huan on her arm, while Jiang Nan and Jiang Yi were at the back.

Entering Qiyun's small courtyard, the inside was renovated by Qiyun while eating. It still looks so big from the outside, but when you go inside, it's completely different.

The entire courtyard was transformed into a courtyard with three entrances. The third entrance is used as her own residence, and the first and second entrances are intended to be used to entertain friends. Although it looks antique from the outside, the interior decoration is It's very modern.

Her own room is in the middle of the third entrance. The entire row of main rooms has been opened up, and the entire house is divided into two parts. The entire right half is Qiyun's private space, and one third of it is the bedroom. There is a 3*4 large bed, one third is a large dressing room, and the other third is a large bathroom, which is divided into three parts, and there is also a large bed room that can accommodate 5 or 6 people. tub.

The left half is also divided into three parts. The part near the door is the living room, and further inside is the dining room and a large kitchen that combines Chinese and Western styles.

The rest of the guest rooms in the first and second rooms are all uniformly decorated. Each room has a layout of one bedroom and one living room. It is spacious enough for one person to live in, and it is just right for two people.

After entering the courtyard, Qiyun said to them:

"I have opened the door to my small courtyard to you. You can choose the guest room you like. You can go in once or twice. There is everything inside. Remember to bind the smart door lock on the door when you enter. Okay. , lets break up. After saying that, he didnt care about the two grown men, and pulled Jiang Xinrui and the kitten girl Jian Xinxin into the third room.

After entering the house, Qi Yun shared a pair of slippers. "Here, these are new slippers. You two each have a pair. From now on, they will be your exclusive slippers."

After waiting for the two of them to change their shoes, Qi Yun took their hands and sat on the sofa again, and began to distribute things to the two of them, introducing them while dividing them:

"Come, this is for you two. I came out in a hurry this time and didn't bring anything out. I'll prepare it for you two. From now on, it will be your personal belongings."

"Well, here are two sets of home clothes, two sets of pajamas, two sets of bathrobes, two pairs of outdoor slippers, a set of toiletries, a toiletry set, a set of skin care products, a set of makeup, two bath towels, and three towels , a pair of bathroom slippers and a box of bath balls." After distributing the things to the two of them, he looked at them again and again. When he felt that there was nothing missing, he said to the two of them:

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