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As for the two gay men, seeing that no one was paying attention to them, they had no choice but to follow Qi Yun and the others into the second courtyard, and randomly chose two rooms next to each other to live in.

After Jiang Yi entered the house, he probably was too weak and did not take a shower. He just lay down on the bed and fell asleep after washing himself.

Jiang Nan not only took a good bath by himself, but also washed all his clothes because the guest room was equipped with a bathrobe. But the good thing is that Qiyun provided a washing and drying machine in the guest room. A washing machine allowed Jiang Nan to wash clothes with confidence.

After tidying up and hanging up the clothes, Jiang Nan lay on the bed and contacted Zhou Qulin. During this period, he operated the bracelet. A light screen appeared in front of his eyes, and Zhou Qulin appeared on the light screen. manifest.

"Captain, where are you? It looks like the old hotel." Zhou Qulin didn't have the composure in front of others at this time, acting like a child.

"Please be more careful with me. Just treat me as you normally would. How else will you go out and be seen by others?"

"Oh, Captain, Brother Nan, aren't I just like this in front of you? I usually put on a good show outside, but how have those outsiders ever seen me like this? You haven't said where this is yet?"

Jiang Nan suddenly turned serious:

"Do you still remember Jiaojiao's sister?"

"Remember, what happened? When she first entered the base, I parked the car to protect her."

"Well, this is her place. According to her, this is a B&B. I came to you to tell you that you should notify everyone in our team and wait for me to notify you early tomorrow morning. Also, you have to inform my family. Well, the three of us are out here and we wont go home.

"Oh, oh, oh, brother Nan, I'm going to inform grandma and grandma right now, oh." Looking at Zhou Qulin, who ran out without even turning off the communicator, he shook his head helplessly, raised his hand and closed the bracelet. Fell asleep.

Over there, Zhou Qulin ran to the door and remembered that the bracelet communicator was not turned off. He raised his hand and was about to turn it off, but found that it had already been turned off. After a silly laugh, he paused at the door for a moment and made the usual expression in front of outsiders. Then he walked out the door.

Everyone got up late the next day. Even Jiang Nan, who needed to get up on time for training every day, broke his biological clock and got up an hour late.

Others didn't get up until around 10 a.m. After getting up, the three girls tidied up again. Qiyun prepared suitable and cute clothes for both girls.

Jiang Xinrui wears a cute and easy-to-move overalls suit, with a cute bun and a pink plush ball on it, making her look youthful.

Jian Xingxins Lolita skirt is covered with cat patterns, with cute double ponytails, plus her own cute ears and tail. The overall look makes passersby focus on her. With her whole outfit, ignoring her ears and tail, she looks like she stepped out of a comic, which is more in line with her identity as a cat girl.

Jiang Xinrui looked at the lovely Jian Xinxin and suddenly said to Qi Yun:

"Sister, I heard you said you want to open a new store, right?"

"Yes, Ruirui, do you have any advice for me?"

"Sister, would you like to open a cat-themed lounge? When you are tired, you can come and stay in the lounge for a while, touch the cats and play with them. This can help people who are tired of going out looking for supplies relax and feel better. It can get better. People who go out to fight all day can also eliminate their own anger with the comfort of cats. Then Ling'er will be responsible for this lounge, which is a perfect match for her."

"Well, that's good. Ruirui's suggestion is very good. Ling'er, what do you think? My sister will open a cat lounge for you. You can be responsible for it. Then you can be with all kinds of cats. "This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading---->>>

"I, is it really okay?" Jian Xinxin asked hesitantly.

"Okay, okay, it's decided. Okay, let's go out, I'll introduce you to my B&B, and then go to the convenience store to enjoy your shopping addiction. My sister already transferred points to you yesterday."

"Yeah, okay, thank you sister."

Jiang Xinrui stepped forward and took Qi Yun's arm. Seeing that Jian's mind was still unmoved, she urged:

"Sister Ling'er, hurry up, let's follow your sister and visit your sister's B&B."

Jian Xinxin heard Jiang Xinrui's urging, hesitated for a moment, and came to Qi Yun's side with small steps. Seeing Jian Xingxin's hesitant look, he took out his hand, came to her side, picked up Jian Xingxin's hand, put it into Qiyun's arm, and then went to the other side to hold Qiyun's other hand. arm.

Seeing that the two of them were ready, he opened the door and walked out. Jiang Yi in the yard was already impatient to wait, but when he saw three beauties with different styles, his impatience was gone. The three of them spoke:

"Okay, three beauties, can we go out now?"

"Second brother, don't be so talkative. How can you find me a sister-in-law in the future? Sister Yunyun, let's go."

"Okay, let's go, you two should follow."

Qi Yun led the four people to the convenience store. Although he had been here yesterday, he only exchanged points in a hurry, so he brought a few more people over and prepared to introduce them to the four people starting from the convenience store.

"Sister Qi Huan, sister Qi Huan." The first thing Qi Yun did when he came to the convenience store was to call Qi Huan.

"Hey, what do you want from me?"

"Sister Qi Huan, why don't you take a few of them to visit the shops in our B&B? I'm really too lazy to move."

"Okay, I'll come, you go to the office and take a rest."

"Hmm, then I'll go to the office. You guys follow Sister Qi Huan. First, buy something in the convenience store and take a look around while eating." He said and entered Qi Huan's office without looking back.

The remaining four people looked at each other in confusion, Qi Huan looked amused, and pointed out the breakfast shelf of the convenience store to a few people:

"There is breakfast on that shelf. There are many items that are convenient for eating in your hands. The boss should also have opened a light storage space for you. You can put more in there and eat at any time. The light storage space is Time stands still and it is very convenient to store food.

"Okay, thank you Miss Qi Huan. Let's buy some first. Please wait a moment." Jiang Nan thanked Qi Huan on behalf of the four of them.

"You're welcome. I'm much older than you all. If you want, just call me Sister Qihuan like the boss. I'll be waiting for you at the checkout counter. That's the shopping cart. Go buy it." As for Qi Huan, after the four of them thanked each other, no one pushed a shopping cart to choose breakfast.

The three brothers and sisters of the Jiang family are not countless, and Jian's soul has experienced the dangers of the human heart and is sober, so the four of them quickly selected something and followed Qi Huan out.

It took about 30 minutes to lead several people around to visit several stores. In addition to staying at the fresh food store for 10 minutes to buy fruits, Jiang Yi and Jiang Nan spent 5 minutes at the clothing store. I had 2 changes of clothes and just looked at other shops outside. It was really a visit.

Qiyun saw a few people coming back and said again:

"It's absolutely safe in my B&B. Don't worry, I'm going to study how to decorate the cat comfort lounge. You can go and have fun on your own."

With that said, the four of them went back to the small courtyard. This chapter has been read (please click on the next chapter to continue reading!)

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