Jungkook followed several people passing with his sleepy eyes. He was sitting on a bench in a mall, waiting for Taehyung who left to buy him water. Specifically, water with seventy five percent ice. He craved it that way. When he woke up from his sleep at the cinema, his throat was so parched that he wanted ice cold water. Seventy five percent ice cold water. Water should be less than ice. And there should be that distinct sound when you shake it.
Not only that, he wanted it obtained by Taehyung himself. He didn't know. Maybe his husband did something bad in a dream that he can't even remember. Or maybe, he just really wanted an ice cold water from him. Like how he does it when they're at home.
A heavily pregnant woman sat beside him. He signaled the guard who was discreetly watching him to settle down when he got alerted.
"Uhmm." He heard her say.
He turned to her and just noticed that he knew her. Well, not exactly. Not personally. Just her face.
"You're Jeon Jungkook right?"
Jungkook can't stop himself from pressing his lips.
"Sorry." She quickly withdrew.
"No. Sorry. I am."
She smiled. "Sorry for intruding. I guess I'll be somewhere else." She's about to stand.
"Oh no. Please sit. This bench is not mine."
"But technically, it is. You own this mall."
He bobbed his head, defeated. "You can join me."
They sat silent. But there was a feel of awkwardness in the air.
"You know my husband, right?" Jungkook finally let out.
She nodded, shocked. "You know me?"
He does. More than he wanted to.
"But I know him just a little." She saved. "How did you know? I mean, did he tell you properly? We only met a couple of times. Three to be exact."
Jungkook internally winced at the memory of the two of them. Taehyung did clear it all up. But the feeling evoked by those memories is still ingrained in him. Even after a long time. Like a stain that doesn't come off. Especially the last one.
"I didn't know about you. I didn't know that he's with someone. I only put two in two when I saw him in the news. He said he's single when we first met. Even his mom said so. But we were never anything. Nothing ever happened."
"I know."
"I didn't believe it too. I don't know him well. But he seemed not the type. He even got mad at me when I kissed him on the cheek before."
He remembered. All too well. He remembered how he almost died seeing it.
"So...yeah. I just know him. I don't really know anything. So I hope that I didn't come in between the two of you. But I'm glad he was able to pull through. The both of you. I hope for your safety."
"You too. How far along are you?"
"I'm actually due any time now. Already within time."
"I'll pray for your safe delivery."
"Thank you."
"Who are you with?"
"My husband. He's doing grocery shopping. Cause my feet are already sore."
Jungkook smiled at her, understanding full well.
"How about you?"
"He's just getting something somewhere."

Unambiguous Love
FanficBook Two of Ambiguous Love Three years after, when a past love returns and conflicts arise, will an unequivocal love become ambiguous?