Chapter 10: Cruel Intentions

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"Before you go home, we have a humble gift for all of you."

Jeon Pilwon nodded his head at his son who then signaled their staff to bring in a large wooden box. It was laid on the center table in the midst of the board members they have gathered for a secret, exclusive get together in the family's ancestral home.

"Dad, let's show them what's inside." Nomin suggested in a manner similar to an excited child.

One of the staff lifted the cover after the patriarch gave his permission. Jeon Harim, who was seated a few feet away from the others, saw how their necks stretched and their eyes gleam.

"It's a collection of the rarest and the most expensive spirits around the world. We got them all for you, our special friends."

Nomin clapped and laughed boisterously. Harim can't stop herself from rolling her eyes.

These two. Always the braggarts.

"There's more." The younger Jeon said, a little too alcohol-influenced.

The staff reached beyond the bed of paper shreds bolstering the bottles. He pulled a thick wad of cash. Everyone noticed how a few staggered back.

Jeon Pilwon scoffed. "Is there something wrong?"

"I...I can't accept that." One bravely yet hesitantly announced.

"It's just a gift from my family to you."

"Is this a bribe?" One other insinuated. "We came here in the hope that you have better plans for the company. More than what Hoseok and Jungkook promised. We are all ears if whatever you'll propose will be for the betterment of the company. That is where our loyalty lies. Not in them. Not in you. The company has been greatly affected by your family's quarrels. We want to make it great again. Like how it was under your brother's administration. We were hopeful and you're just going to bribe us for our vote?"

These few board members are vocal supporters of Hoseok and Jungkook's camp. Pilwon and Nomin invited them that night to sway them.

"It's not a bribe. It is yours. This is actually what you should have been receiving. But it's been cut ever since Yeonhye took over and severely when Hoseok sat. You're that opposed to bribes? Why? You view them as dirty money? Well let me tell you, a large chunk of our earnings comes from it. It was what made the company great. We were number one because of it. We slipped and is still slipping just because Yeonhye and Hoseok dreamt of an honest living."

The room was filled with silence except for the old man's thunderous voice.

"You are loyal to the company? We are too. But you know who isn't? The one you've been counting on to raise it back to its greatness. Hoseok threatened Nomin to expose our illegal tradings. I'm sure you know what will happen when he does. Our company isn't the cleanest and definitely not the most honest. But we are supporting hundreds and thousands of living. But Jung Hoseok doesn't care about that. He only cares about his family. You want to make the company great again? Then cut off the ones who's pulling it to mediocrity."

"Yes!" Nomin unnecessarily shouted.

"But if we oust Hoseok, it'll be easier for him to expose us."

"Not if we keep Jungkook. If he wants to bring us down, we'll bring his son with us."

Nomin cackled. Harim roamed her eyes around. The board members were nodding their heads in agreement. It seemed like they have successfully brought the few to their side. She smiled in satisfaction.

"We got them." She told Pilwon after the others left.

It's just her, her brother and his son.

"Of course we do." He proudly replied before sipping his wine.

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