Chapter 11: Broken and Mended

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Gukkie welcomed Taehyung's enthusiastic call with a scowl.

"Uh? What happened?" He asked himself.

He walked to him in heavy steps, hugging his backpack on his chest.

"Need help?" Taehyung tried.

His son harshly turned his head away from him and paced ahead.

"Why? Did something happen?"

He followed him to their car, shaking his head while thinking how alike Gukkie and Jungkook are when they're not in the mood. Gukkie climbed up as soon as the driver opened the door. He was already seated by the window when Taehyung reached them.

"Not in the mood? Why? Sleepy? Hungry?" He asked while he fastened his seatbelt.

He looked at him as if he offended him more. Taehyung pulled back. He knew his son well enough to know that he should give him space. Gukkie is a sweetheart but like all kids, he's prone to tantrums too. He thought of buying Gukkie his favorite strawberry milkshake to appease his mood.

"Mr. Kim, can we stop by the café?"

"Yes, sir."

He noticed that his head slightly turned. He knew what it meant. They often visit the café on their way home from school.

"Do you want to come inside?" He asked once they were in front of the café.

Gukkie only shook his head. Taehyung sighed and went on his way.

"A strawberry milkshake please."

"Sorry. It's not available today. The strawberries didn't arrive."

"Oh." He checked the menu and settled for Gukkie's second favorite. "I'll just get the Chocolate milkshake instead."

"One chocolate milkshake. Is that all?"

"And two iced Americano."

Taehyung immediately returned to the car after getting his orders. Before getting in, he gave their driver one of the drinks.

"The strawberry isn't available. But I got you the chocolate one."

He offered it to Gukkie. The boy's large disappointed eyes stared at the cup in his hand. Taehyung did not expect what Gukkie did next. He harshly slapped the cup causing it to slip off. Taehyung's hand automatically moved to catch it. But his grip was too forceful, sending the cover off and its contents spilling out. It splotched all over the car floor, on the seat and on Gukkie's legs and chest.

"Shit!" He blurted, panicking at how drenched Gukkie's shirt was.

Gukkie was startled. He mistook Taehyung's panic as anger towards him. He burst into a manic crying.

"I don't want it! I don't want it!"

"Mr. Kim, turn down the AC." He ordered, worrying about his son being cold and catching a cough.

He grabbed a box of napkin to wipe the boy's shirt and pants. The backseat was a sticky, wet mess. It was chaos. His head too.

"I don't want it! I don't want it!"

He can't think straight. All the screaming was muddling his head.

"I don't like it! I don't like papa! I don't like papa!"

"Shush. Gukkie, stop shouting!"

He took his son's shirt off.

"I don't like papa! I don't like papa anymore!"

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