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Lelani Aria Peters
March 2022
"Mama,mama wake up there's someone at the door"Jah said clutching her pillow close to her chest ."who ?,and baby why u clutching the pillow so close where is Des?"I said feeling panicked "Mama Des is still sleeping,but the person is still knocking ","ok get into ur room tuck Des in well and lock the door and don't open until u here my voice ok?" "Ok mama "she said walking off into her room ,I picked my phone and turned it own calling my sister Mora " "Girl why u calling so early?" She said yawning cuz it was five -thirty in the morning"Girl it's the 6th of march " I told her "yeah and?,Wait!!! is it him?" "Girl I don't know last time the twins ain't her but they both sleeping I don't know what to do " "LELANI OPEN THE DOOORR "he said in a singy kind of way but by his tone he sounded forceful "Girl stay calm am calling Kash and Ace they should be over in about ten mins ,for now just stall ok " Mora said from the phone "ok I will thnks sis love u" love u keep the call connected " " ok " I spoke out getting scared ,for those who don't know the he were talking about is my crazy ex not the twins dad cuz they was born from a one night stand but will get into that later so the guy he's my ex who I broke up with 8 FUCKING years ago because the Motherfucker was creepy as hell we lived in different parts of town so anytime I came over I stayed the night or a few weeks let's just say I was blinded by love because he was possessive angry and sometimes took forcefully had sex with me even when I wasn't on the mood and on top of all that he still FUCKING cheated with my hair stylist and nail tech like bro u just down bad at this point and when I said let's break up this Motherfucker almost laid his hands on me like bitch r u high it was Kash who saved me but ever since that day the fucker been showing up at my house for the past 8 FUCKING years on the day we broke up "March 6th" like bro r u this obsessive he been begging me to take him back and the day I do am very sure they gonna drug me cuz I know he in a gang and they dangerous as fuck but right now imma kill this fucker I grabbed my baseball bat from my bedside table along with my pocket knife shared my location with all my family and Kash and Lamar just in case the fucker wanna get messy "w what u want Amir?" I said trying my hardest not to frickin stammer "Lani baby I told u lest get back together u know how much I love u" he said tryna force my door open I looked out my bedroom window and felt relief as I saw Kash and Lamar car pulling up silently at the back of the house "Amir just give up I ain't want u " I said as I unlocked the door just as the guys came in "Lani I see u wanna do this the hard way but I have answers to a lot of ur questions,maybe even one about ur twins perhaps " "w w what how do u know about the twins?!" I said truly afraid any confidence I had just left me for sure "oh Lani I know a lot and I even know their father ,u may know him too he one of ur closest nigga " he said eerily"ur lying!" I said shouting feeling panicked as I felt Kash tense and Lamar looking dumbfounded"Lani just let me in I know u got two dudes in there with u ready to pop a headshot the minute u open this door " "... Wth" I said feeling truly scared "Fine u don't wanna open the door let me just tell u a hint remember the night it happened when he was filling u up he had a tattoo across his chest with the name KESHAWN BLACK"He said laughing all evil like "what no,it's not true " I said to him "why not ask Kash himself am sure he's pretty tense ,if u ask him he don't answer just take a DNA test and see,bye my love" then I heard footsteps leaving my front porch I saw a car light up and speed away "Lani it's not true "Kash said trying to touch my shoulder"Don't.You.Dare.Touch.Me.Keshawn "I said my tone laced with venom and hatred to think my own best friend took advantage of me how sickening,I just hated him right now "Keshawn tomorrow where taking a DNA test if it's true I don't want u near my kids and me anymore,u hear me?!" "This how u wanna play it ok Lelani see u tomorrow and with that he left " "Should I stay or-" "Lamar u too get out I just wanna think " "Ok Lani but tomorrow we should talk right " " yeah no issues, Goodnight Mar " "Night Lani" and with that he left "hah"I sighed trying to take in the information I just heard my own best friend took advantage of me.

Ohh cliffhanger I know y'all wanna know if it true or not but u gotta wait ok .💗

Excuse all errors I didn't proofread

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