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Arianna Destiny Jackson
📍 Mar's house

Plopping on the couch mar sits next to me on the phone ngl tho he been acting distant ever since he told me about Kash proposing he been acting weird and I didn't wanna press him about it but he was acting closed off and zoning off sometimes and he be hiding his phone from me like is he cheating on me?.

I ignored what my mind was telling me and picked up my texting Lani

My fav bitch💗🤪🌈

Hey Lani u online?

Yh am good wbu?

Good apart being knocked up and craving some dick am straight chillin

Girl Ari u a hoe 🤣,but tell Mar he give u dick any day

Girl he not giving me dick he been acting distant as fuck😭

Girl same here Kash been acting weird and zoning out like crazy

Girl I feel he's cheating on me

Why u think that?

Well girl he gave a girl at olive garden's his number on OUR DATEE!!

Bitch Mar did that oh hell na am bout ta whoop his ass

Girl honestly same,but girl I saw Stella

Jack's rebound?

Yep and bitch she look skinny as fuck and her ass done deflated 🤣

Damn whatchu expect from a hoe and shit

And then I saw Jack ugly ass he done lose a few pounds like damn gurl he skinny.

And oop

Girl and she had guts to call me a hoe for not calling jack bout his baby.

Bitch if I was there I would swing on her like bitch who u think u are?

Girl and her fit? mhmm she thought she ate but didn't.

She think she the shit bitch she not even the fart.

Girl exactly and then she saw the ring and looked liked she bouta cry like bitch u mad cuz ur 'bae' ain't proposed.

Girl u told her that?!

Tuh yeah I hate bitches who think they slick like girl it's embarrassing u was a rebound.

And jack cheating on her ass too

Ohh spill the tea

Another day Hoe ,Kash calling me we going to his mama house.

Bye Bitch luv u🤪

Bye hoe 💗

I switched off my phone feeling Mar's eyes on me "u good?"I asked him."yh"he said looking at me I got up walked into his bathroom getting out I saw something that caught my attention a black thong "LAMAR GET UR ASS IN HERE NOW"I yelled getting angry I knew he cheating but showing it boy u just down bad.

"Shit what?"he said entering the bathroom upon seeing the thong he visibly tensed "u gon explain urself Lamar?,or u just gon stand there like a fool?"I snapped "Ari bae it's no-"."Boy Don't Tell Me it's not wat it seems and this ain't my thong so whose is it?".

"Fine bitch it's the girl from Olive Garden"he said mugging me,I felt like crying our wedding was damn two  weeks away and he choose to do this."Bae why?"I asked feeling the tears on my cheek,"whatchu mean why?u ain't giving a nigga pussy so I got my self some"he said looking everywhere but me."Lamar do u even love me?".


"Lamar do u love me?answer the damn question"I said visibly sobbing I wasn't a crybaby bitch but this na my own fiancee."Girl ofc I love u that's why I proposed"he said with a cold tone ,I winced from his tone but he still didn't answer my question"if u love me then why?"."Girl I already told u a nigga needed some pu-"I gave him a hard slap across the cheek.

"Bitch u done it now "I fell back feeling a sharp pain in my belly,I was shocked he hit me and to be more precise on my belly he stood over me and began kicking and punching me over and over again u felt a warm liquid running in my thighs and I sobbed louder as the beatings stopped.

I fell unconscious as he left cursing,I was woken up a few minutes or hours later by Lani and nem voices they sounded worried"Ari u good?"She asked piquing the others interest I even saw Marquise and Tray along with his gf.

"Girl am good"I said putting a hand on my belly but frowned not feeling anything a lump formed in my throat as everybody fell silent while looking excited "Lani my baby?"I choked out "Your baby boy is fine,infact he in here with u"I looked to my side following Lani's gaze and felt the tears again my baby he might be early but he here.

"So aunty Ri whatchu naming him?"Tray spoke up,"yeah girl what's his name"."Kyrie Elijah Peters"I told them and Lani cooed at him"hi baby Kyky am ur Tt".he grinned a little"see my nephew smiling at me"."Finally he be mugging everyone "Kash said laughing he sat beside me asking everyone but Lani to go away.

"Arianna Girl u my wifeys cousin and sister ,who did this to u?" He asked me I took in a deep breath"It was Lamar "I replied Lani and him visibly tensed up "Girl Mar who popped a ring on ur finger almost killed u?"Lani asked looking like she bout ta cry she was my cousin but acted like my sister shit she was the sister that I never had.

"Yh"I replied telling them about the argument and how he hit me then left to go see some side hoe and shit,"Am gonna beat that niggas ass I told him don't hurt ur girl cuz u gon hurt mine but no the nigga don't take a hint"Kash said angrily.

"All for some pussy?",Ari u know how the girl looking like?"She asked "yh"I said telling her the description and Kash saw the picture and he even got angrier"That's scar's baby mama"he said."what I thought she and that nigga dead"I said sitting up because I killed him myself.

"Looks like he didn't"he said in a dark tone"Ari don't worry he will this time"he said reassuring me.I laid in my hospital bed looking at Kyky and talking to fam and friends and the nosey ass doctor who wanna know everything am not surprised tho from what Lani told me I knew I came in a bad shape.

I drifted off to sleep not giving a fuck about anything anymore scar hurt me once he ain't gonna hurt me this time tho.

Ohh scar entering the picture now but Lamar my gee all for some coochie damn nigga.

But what Ari mean by "scar hurt me once he ain't gonna hurt me this time tho".hmm stay tuned to find out.

What's y'all fav season?
Mine is winter cuz I get all cosy and shit.

Follow a hoe 😩
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Love Zara 💗🌈🌺

Bye hoes 😩👋

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