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It's been a good month of Kash getting to know the kids and me working up the courage to tell my mom about the twins and she was intially mad but after a few days she came around right not am a a random mall shopping for snacks and food to restock the house.

After a solid thirty minutes I make my way to the self checkout area and we'll am checking out this dude no not dude old ass man comes up to me and looks me up and down and finally speaks up"what's a pretty lady like u doing here with ur ass looking so fine"the man say's looking at my ass and I scrunch up my nose because he reeks of alcohol.

I look the man in the eye and tell him to leave my alone I walk out with my groceries in hand and look around for Kash's car I spot it and begin walking towards it I don't make it far before someone grabs me and shoves me to a wall.

What the fuck is going on?

"It looks like we got the right one boss is gonna be happy with this,maybe we could even have a little fun"the person says I remember my self defense lessons and kick the man in the nuts and make a run for it I don't reach far before am knocked out with a piece of wood,and I slowly loose consciousness the last thing I hear is gunshots followed by Kash's voice shouting my name.


"I wake up with a sharp pain in my head and hearing muffled voices I can hear my mom's maybe Mora's and Ari and Lamar wow I even hear Kash wtf?.I open my eyes only to shut them back because of the bright lights I slowly open them back adjusting my eyes to the bright light.

"Ah Lani ur awake thank God"My ma says coming over to my bedside with a worried look,and that's when it click the bright light the beeping and the worried faces am in the hospital how and when did I get here?.I try to sit up only to be met with a sharp pain from the right side of my ribs."Ah fuck"I hiss wincing at the pain"what the hell happened?".

"Well Lani u were shot in the ribs and the person who did so is dead"Kash says in an oddly relaxed tone.This nigga just said someone is dead the fuck is he so relaxed for, I try not to think to much cuz its giving me a headache so I try to focus on the things my ma is saying.

After a while a doctor comes in and tells us that its gonna take a few weeks for the wound to heal but I shouldn't do any strenuous activities or exercises,I look at Ari and see she's nervous as hell I ask them all to leave the room except Ari and she send me a nervous look.

"Uhm hi Lani"she says even in her tone I know somethings wrong cuz we grew up together I finally decide to ask her the question that will make anyone crack "are u ok?"I say in calm comforting tone and just like i expected she breaks down and sobs after a few minutes of comforting her she finally speaks up."I'm pregnant".

I am beyond shocked, Ari pregnant?"How?,I thought y'all were having kids after the wedding?"I said still shocked."that's the things it's not Lamar's baby,it's Jack's"she says."wait Jack like ur ex Jack who cheated on u like 3 months ago with that thing Stella?"."Yeah that Jack"she says with a guilty look on her face."Have u told Lamar yet?"."No and I don't think I want to"."Ari no he's gonna notice when ur about 4 months or 5"."Lani u don't get it's a cryptic pregnancy "She tells me leaving me shocked again.

We sit in silence as I try to take in everything I just heard."Lani I-I don't know what to do,yeah he's pretty chill but am his fiancee how is he gonna react?, I'm just so scared"."Arianna he is ur fiance u can tell him anything,a relationship is about communication and trust and right now that's what u need to do".We sit in silence until she stands up and tells me she is going to the cafeteria.

I take a short nap and I'm woken up to Kash and the twins watching stuff on the Tv I never knew was there."Lani u good?"."Hm yh"."U sure?"He asks."Yh am good Kash"I reply softly to be honest I don't even know why I was shot or who was behind it all I know is that they want me dead and that's all but I won't forget the scorpion tattoo I saw on the man's neck almost like it was burnt into his skin.

"Mama r u hungry?"Jah ask's, piquing everybody's interest ."Yeah Lani u never really ate anything"Kash says ."well I ate at home"I reply,"Lani Doritos and Takis with Sprite isn't food"I says looking at me with a smug look."fine,I agree I'm am really hungry "."what u want Lani?","Maybe Some Pizza Hut"."Lani u not serious u in the hospital and u want fast food am calling ur mama to make u some Mac and cheese with maybe a drink or something"he says shaking his head,"Ooo Tell G-ma to add some peach cobbler and strawberries"The twins say at the same time."Jinx!"Des says.

"Aw man really but "Jah tries to argue with her "Nu uh u made a jinx promise and u can't break it so deal with it"Des says while acting sassy.Kash just stares at them shocked ,"Yep Lani am convinced they got ur crazy genes they only got my Good looking ones","what that supposed to mean it's ur crazy genes and my fine ones duhhh" I say sticking out my tongue.

"Whatever ur mama gonna be here in 15 minutes"."ok "I reply and the room falls into a comfortable silence.

Well Lani gurl has some people wanting her dead maybe even watching her but hey I ain't no spoiler am not gonna tell.

Anyways Lani and Kash seem to be working together now ,but Alia she got some guts.

Love Zara 💗🤪🌈🌼

Excuse all mistakes I didn't proofread

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