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Leilani POV

Driving around Town me and my gurlss played 'Sexxy red hood's hottest princess'while singing at the top of our lungs we finally stopped at Ins-and-out to order some food,I parked in the parking lot while Tay and the twins went to go get the food.

"Leiii"Ari began.

"Whattt??"I dragged out.

"You gon get this man a gift or something?"She asked.

"Uhm duh Yeahh"I replied, thinking of the new Jordans that just dropped.

"Leilani you are not giving this man a pair of Jordans he already has enough"She whined.

"Fine....I'll just get him some Personally signed Jersey by his fav basketball player"I said muttering the last part.

"Noooo,Lei-Lei you are gonna give that man some coochie"she said while indicating some nasty shit.

"Yeah yeah what ever fineee"I replied giving in cuz,one I wanted to get laid asap I was craving it but I've been busy,and two that man is sexually frustrated I can feel it in the air.

"We backkk"Tay yelled getting into the car with the bags,the twins joining shortly after.

"Desire who got you smiling like that?"Ari asked looking over her seat to stare at Desire.

"U-uh m-me s-smiling r-really?!"She stuttered,I could see Deyjah laughing and Tay chocking on her burger.

"Really???"Deyjah teased.

"Hoe my gawddd,is it a nigga?!!"Ari semi yelled.

"A nigga?!"I semi-yelled.

"Naaaa Kash noticed gonna allow that to happen"Tay said.

"For real he's gonna kill the little nigga"Ari chimed backing her up.

"It's nothing and not a Nigga,Soo let's go I have some projects to do at Winter's house"Desire said to which Deyjah mutter something about her science project.

"Ok..let's go"I said putting the keys into the ignition and driving off I dropped Desire at Winter's house,and Deyjah at her best friends-Olivia's house and dropped Tay and Ari at Tay's mamas house cuz something came up that made the celebration to be postponed till next two weeks.

Pulling up into the apartment garage I took the elevator to our floor, walking into the house,nobody was home Thank God I can fulfill my plan.

Walking into the closet of our bedroom I brought out the black lingerie I had bought, putting it on I twirled in the mirror admiring the way it shaped my ass.

I added the stockings and did a sultry makeup look,I lay down on my stomach my ass towards the door.

My phone pinged,a text from Kash he said he was coming up.I heard the front door open as well as Kash calling my name I pretended to be asleep as he entered the room.

I turned to face him seeing his brown eyes a darker shade due to lust.

"Hi Keshawn"I said getting up and walking over to him,when I reached him I twirled showing him my full body.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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