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Deyjah Brianna Peters
📍 Richmond Junior and senior high

Ughhh today was one of those days You just get that guy feeling something bad is about to happen,I don't know if I stole a pot of gold from a leprechaun or something but I have extreme bad luck.

First I woke extremely late for school, secondly my sour patch kids stash had gone missing,none of my assignments had been done and now the fucker called my teacher is acting dumb as fuck ughhhh.

"Miss Peters, again I ask who was known as the killer clown?"The bitch aka Mrs Pierce asked for the third fucking time.

"Jacky I didn't raise my hand so why You asking me?I snapped at her,my fucking emotions are all over the place manee.

"I will not tolerate your rude and sassy behavior,principals office young lady"She says getting into my personal space.

"Jacky get the fuck out if my space"I snap at her grabbing my bag and notebook.

"It's Mrs Pierce young lady"she calls as I approach the classroom door.
"Ermm no its not am very sure I saw your husband fucking the school secretary"I say walking out as the class burst in laughter.

I walk out of the hallways and take the stairs to rooftop's it's sort of my calm zone for me to relax.Walking to my usual spot I see a figure I don't fucking recognize.

God I need to stop fu-fricking cussing

"Hey you why are you in my spot?!"I yell out at the figure,the figure turns around and damn,the air in my lungs is knocked out,the first thing I see is his beautiful chocolate brown eyes,and fucking black hair that's us dreads,and he's tall to maybe around 6 ft.

"How tall are you?"I ask and regret it instantly because of the awkward silence that follows."What?"He says laughing"Ok...ok am 6 ft'6,he tells me.

Lord even his voice is deep
Shut up inner me
Bitch mtchwww

"So whats your name?"I ask walking over to the bench he's sitting on to go sit down"Malika"He replies getting something out of his bag,"How old are you?"I ask getting my M& M's from my bag.

"Why all the questions you the FBI or sum thing?"He says looking at me weirdly."Na not the FBI they wierd as fuck "I reply tossing a candy into my mouth.

"Yhh why you here ain't you supposed to have class Right now,school don't end for another four hours"He ask's while puffing his blunt."Ooo gimme some"I say making grabbing his blunt and putting it on my lips and taking a puff.

"Girl you got your gloss on my shit"he whines irritated"sorry"I reply quietly"na no worries Little Flower"He replies passing me the blunt to take a puff.

"What your name?"he ask."oh,me? Deyjah"I reply puffing the blunt and passing it back to him,he makes a 'hmm'noise as we sit in silence except the passing and puffing of blunts.

Getting up I check my phone seeing forty-five minutes has passed,oh my fucking God I missed Miss Gonzales's class,fuckkk.

"Yh I gotta go am in big trouble"I tell him taking my bag and and running my hand through my hair and touching up my lipgloss."Hey give me your number real quick"he speaks up giving me his phone I put in my number and call my phone so I can save It.

"Bye Malika"I say walking away,as I get down from the stairs the first thing I see is Mrs Pierce,and Mrs Gonzales,as well as Principal Harry.

Welp fuck am in so much trouble

"Miss Peters my office now"Harry yells angrily,I don't even reply as I walk into his office ready for the occasional speech about my grades and shit,I have good grades an semi-perfect attendance and average test scores but this man is on my fucking ass.

"Miss Peters this is the fourth time this week you've been in my office and it's only Wednesday"Harry sighs out "Yh anddd?"I reply ready for the speech.

"I have one thing to say to you "he tells me "Yh spill it out Harry"I reply rudely"Why can't you be Like Desire,she a perfect student excellent in everything and very so-"I tune out the rest of his word gritting my teeth it has been tye same thing for the past two weeks.

Why can't you be like Desire

She perfect, social,and academically sound

Shes a blessing child

She wonderful

Why can't you act like your sister Miss Peters?!!

Ughhh, honestly am tired we are two different people yet they act like we're meant to be exactly like each other just because my twins form the fucking womb if I had known I  would have kicked her in the skull when we were in the womb.

"-h you can go "Harry sighs "Fucking finally"I stand up grabbing the door knob about to leave when he says those familiar dreadful words.

"Your Mother's presence has been requested tomorrow,she been sent a message and she will be here tomorrow concerning your behavior...what a disappointment you are if only your like Desire. "Harry says.

Slamming the door shut I speed walk into the Washroom I walk into one of the stalls and lock it,I finally let's the tears run free it's too fucking much from Principal Harry to Mrs Jacky Pierce,and Mrs Smith all the same words.

What a disappointment you are

I cry and scream until my voice is gone and the tears aren't Falling again a familiar sound makes me snap out my broken state"Deyjah are you in there?"I hear Malika's voice.Opening the stall I walk out and hug him,he doesn't react just hugs back.We walk out together I ignore the eyes and whisper saying we fucked until I make eye contact with Desire.

Well she's gonna for sure snitch.

Little insight on Deyjah's pov and I  swear I didn't mean to make her rude it just fit into her asthetic the mean and rude twin.

Anyways Lani you got some issues to clear in school and Desire a snitch wow,issues man.

Question of the day:what your favorite Candy?-Mine is Sour patch kids

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Love Zara 💗

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