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Lelani Aria Peters
March 2022
Getting out of bed this morning was a hassle,I had cried and broken down twice that morning.


If u must know today is the day that am gonna figure out if what was told to me is true or not,I still couldn't believe it my own best friend is my babies father na am tripping for real.

Mother nature couldn't be anymore cruel because when I went there and took the test with my twins I felt absolutely positive my babies weren't his but no ,it came in the mail today the one things I had been dreading it came.

I trembled as I sat and took in everything written on the paper I felt like my heart was gonna break as I read the last words.

"The above Father figure is the father of twins Desire and Deyjah Peters "

Why?,why was life so cruel? Here I was thinking I was gonna live a normal life with my twins not giving a fuck about their father but here he is my own best friend.

I forwarded the Results to Ari and Aliyah my two closest friends.Aliyah was beyond shocked it was like she was in a trance as I watched her re-read the results meanwhile Ari tried her best to console me.

"Girl at least it's someone u trust right? It's not some random scumbag or something".Ari said "I still can't believe it Keshawn is ur kids father " Alia(Aliyah's nickname)said .

"Gurl get ur mind off him the twins r with ur mama so let's go have fun "she said "Yeah we could get Mani and Pedi's get our hair done and come back home to watch our fav movie "legally blonde"Alia added cheerfully "That doesn't sound bad "I said I could feel the crack in my voice from crying so much "Ok girl let's get u freshened up and let's go out."


"Wow Ari this place is fine as hell"Lani said gawking at the house building in front of us.its a Salon where they do everything from hair to nails, facials and even spa treatments.it belonged to my aunty.

"Welcome to Hedy's salon how may I help u ?" The girl at the reception said in a bright and cheerful tone she couldn't look more than twenty."Hi I would like to do two Mani and Pedi's,hair and nails and also facials" Alia said "Alia why aren't u doing Mani and Pedi's ?" Ari said looking confused "I can't it's Haram against Muslim law but I can do my hair but not my nails"She said "Ok Alia anything that suits u".

"Alright ladies kindly follow me "The girl said as we were lead to a huge curtain that lead to the Mani and Pedi's place,as soon as we entered they ushered us to our seats and told s to put our feet into the water ngl it was hella relaxing everything I had on my mind had left me completely.

"Ahh this is relaxing " I said feeling myself about to fall asleep."u said it my dear "someone said I recognized that Indian accent anywhere"Aunty is that u?" I asked "she stood in front of me and gave me a side hug as so not to disrupt the person doing my pedi "I heard everything that happened,I am so sorry Lani" she said in a sympathetic voice.

"It's ok aunty but why r u here?" As soon as I said that she took a seat next to me and began her story of how her husbands family had convinced him to marry a second wife because according to them she didn't give birth to enough male children bruh this people my aunty has 2 boys 1 girl how is that not enough.

"Lani my dear don't worry ur uncle kicked me out of the house Sonam living in the sumer house here in NYC" she said leaving me shocked that her husband who was all lovey dovey and all that to her just kicked her out wtf?!?."Ma'am were done with ur nails"the Nail tech said looking surprised from me and my aunt's gossip."ohh Lani look at my nails,my man gonna go crazy over these" Ari said showing me her nails.

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