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Arianna Destiny Peters
📍 La Rosario restaurant

Humming to myself I slip on my beautiful red heels and going out of the bathroom to look at my fit in the mirror.

Whew my ass thickkkk

I say to myself looking at my clothes in the mirror my phone dings indicating my date is here it's been a month going every since the Lamar incident and everybody being damn treating me like I'mma break if they say anything triggering,so I decided to move back into my parents house they were happy to see their grandbaby and also sad to hear what Lamar did.

Anyways back to the present am going on a date yay,it with this handsome young man named Anthony or Ant for short he's really nice and only a few years older than me so that's nice and we been going on dates for a while now and he's really sweet and adores KyKy.

Mikaela, Lamar's sister has been helping me through everything right now from getting own apartment to relationship tips and very beautiful outfit hacks we'll am not surprised she is majoring in fashion design,going down the stairs am met with my aunty whose staying for a few days.

"Ohh darling u look beautiful, motherhood didn't affect you"she says spinning me around"thank u aunty"I reply "Now go that handsome young man is outside,and I must say he is fyeee"she tells patting my back before chuckling and walking away, opening the door am met with Ant who has a huge bouquet of Daisy's and tulips my favourites.

"You looking stunning"he tells me making me blush "u-uh thank u you looking handsome as well"I say pecking him on the cheek,"Alright let's go"he says putting a hand on my lower back to lead me to his car,he opens the for me and gets in himself before driving off to La Rosario upon entering the restaurant I'm meet with scenting aroma of food and a lot of it.

"Ari move baby girl"he says taping my ass"oh sorry"I say moving forward to look for our table,a waiter guides us to a table not before taking our orders and scurries off."So Ari how has ur day been?"he ask's."ohh well boring apart from Kyky smiling at me and me going to work nothing interesting what about u?"I reply and ask at the same time.

Baby girl this man

"Oh my day has been good apart from a certain woman named Ari occupying my thoughts am good "he says maintaining eye contact with me making me blush profusely."Stawpp ur making me nervous"I say fanning myself"why should a pretty lady be nervous"he says leaning over to tuck a loose strand of my hair making me blush harder.

"You look like a tomato right now so red"he says leaning back into his seat chuckling"if you call me a Tomato that means am chubby and Fat and have a horrible green stem"I say with a fake pout" "oh no pretty girl,ur not chubby ur cute and fine"he replies looking over at the waiter whose approaching out table

Pretty girl?Hotel Trivago panties soaked.

"Uhh Ari u good?"He asked "hm yh why u ask?"I reply"cuz u zoning out on me ion like that pretty girl"he replied shrugging"Soo Ant tell me bout urself"I also casually "Well where do I start we'll am 59 guy three babymama's and nine kids and we'll ur gonna be my fourth baby mama pretty girl"he says making me bust out laughing making people near our table stare.

"59?!! THREE BABY MAMA'S?!!!!"I say busting out laughing completely causing me to damn near choke."Well Pretty girl let me be serious with u,My names Anthony Jason Hill,my mamas white my pops black so am mixed I run a indoor trampoline park for kids and love the beach and old country music,what about u?"he asked.

"Well for starters my me Arianna Destiny Peters,I live with my cousin Lelani cuz of some issues before and have a two months old son named Kyrie or Kyky for short and I help Lani with her shipments for her business and also have my own KyKy baby clothing line"I replied sipping my drink.

"Cool soo Lelani,like Lelani Peters ur cousin the owner of Aspea?"he asked"yh and I won the store adjacent hers"I reply looking at him."You know u real pretty right?"he told me making me flustered "u-uh u-ur fine urself"I reply stuttering"why u stuttering are u nervous?".he asked grinning "uhm no sir ur just flirting to hard"I reply fanning myself.

"Why thank u pretty girl"he replied casually."Anyways it late right now u wanna like go home"he asked looking at me "Ant don't sweat but sure let's go to ur apartment to watch a movie or chat"I reply "sure pretty girl "he chuckles getting up and helping me get up.

"Sooo do you live with family or friends?"I ask stirring up a conversation "Friends?na I live with my pops and step-mother with my step-siblings"he replied rubbing circles on my thighs."Stepmom?"I ask "yeahhh long story short my moms cheated on my pops when I was ten-ish or so and then she left a random night so my dad started taking care of me got remarried to my stepmom and had two kids when I turned 13 and before you ask my stepmom nice as fuck she got me and iphone for my birthday and helped me throughout highschool and even college she bought my first car for me too"he says chuckling.

"What about your mom?"I sorta ask "well she came for a custody battle with some fake info and pictures saying my pops abuse me and shit and court believed her and I started staying with her,well she was mad crazy took drugs had boyfriend's over an never took me infact I wore the same pair of clothes for a month before she changed them so I could go to my pops house and she told me a bunch of lie about them it entered my head tho I was naive,so to cut this short we had a second custody battle and my pops won and since then I was staying with him till I turned 19 and moved out"he replies pulling up into a beautiful townhouse.

"Wow this place is beautiful,but by the way am sorry you had to endure that growing up I can only imagine how it feels"I add feeling pity for him "na pretty girl am over it don't let it get to you,but by the way the judge was probably annoyed with our ass tho"he says busting out laughing.

"Anyways lets get out of the car "he says escorting me out if the car upon entering the house am taken aback for a guy it's clean a little to clean the house is mostly white and black with hints of royal blue here and there."Your house is beautiful"I tell him " "Thank you pretty girl"he says.

Walking up the stairs he leads me into a beautiful room I take off my heels seating on the bed"Here take these I know that dress is irritating your skin"he tells me tossing me a jersey and some basketball shorts and black socks "ohh thank u"I say slipping put of my dress,Ant just stood there eyes raking every curve if my body making me flustered again.

"Stawpp" I say hitting him playfully only for him to flip me over his shoulders"ANTTT STOPP MY PANTIES SHOWING"I yelled embarrassed"hmm he said laying me on the bed and turning on his Netflix for us to watch "P-Valley",he lays beside me arm on my waist my head on his chest and our legs a tangled mess"Pretty girl?"he  spoke up "hmm Ant?"I reply tiredly"I like you a lot"he tells me "I like u you to pookie"I reply falling asleep to him massaging my scalp.

Well what do u think I genuinely love writing Ari and Lani's POV cuz the writing comes so naturally.

I originally planned for a smexy smut scene but decided against it cus it's their third date and I felt no need to rush into it.

Anyways the next chapter Lani's getting a huge something I can't tell y'all tho it's a secret 🤐

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Bye pretty ass hoes💋

Love Zara 💗
Btw my names actually Zara lol

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