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Lelani Aria Peters
March 9th 2022

"Uncle Kash"The twins said as Kash entered the house."Hi Twinkies"He said using the nickname they hated."Uncle Kash we don't like that" They said dropping their popcorn."Uhm Desire and Deyjah can u both sit down"I said feeling it was time to tell them the truth.

"Mama what did we do,I swear I didn't break the vase it was Deyjah"Des said feeling the tension in the air "I know but u know how u ask me all the time about ur dad well uhm how do I say this but Uncle Kash is not ur Uncle he's ur dad"."we know "they said in unison."What how?!?" I asked surprised and shocked "We read the weird paper this evening that u left on the Table "."oh so uhm that's ur dad" I said feeling the awkward atmosphere.

"Well since ur our dad let's do u a daddy makeover "the twins said giggling to each other."uh oh ur in trouble now Kash".The twins lead Kash into their room and minutes later Kash came out with matching stitch sweatpants and a white tee and his face the twins had done him stitch face painting."Ta-da Mommy see" Des said feeling proud while Dey was getting piggyback rides from Kash."it's my turn u fatass"Des said."Desire what have I said about cursing and swearing in my house.

"Sorry mama"she said "mama am sleepy can we cuddle with daddy tonight"Dey said with puppy eyes.if things weren't awkward enough with Kash no I gat to cuddle with our kids ,am reaching my frickin breaking point here."Sure,if it's ok with ur mama"he said looking at me for some kind of approval."Sure"I sighed out turning off the TV and switching off the living room lights while Kash carried the kids.

"Night my loves "I said addressing Kash as well once we were snuggled into bed and comfy I heard light snores and saw thAt the twins were already asleep."Lani let the past be the past for our kids aight?"he asked fiddling with his rings,the same rings I want inside me,wtf am I thinking ?"sure Gn "I replied "Gn mi amor"

Lelani Aria Peters
March 10th 2022

"Mama ,mama wake up"."what what happened ?,r u ok ?"I answered Des looking around for Dey but the only thing I smelt was the delicious smell of blueberry pancakes."Mhmm who's making pancakes ?"."Daddy is !"she said excitedly "Daddy ?"."yeah mama don't u remember uncle Kash is our daddy"she said looking at me all confused.

With everything going on I totally forgot 'bout Kash and all that i didn't even remember that am off from work today.wohoo,and right on que Dey and Kash bust in to my room with pancakes, syrup,and strawberries and blueberries and whip cream.ohh I could wake up to this everyday.

"Mornin' Lani I made u some food and also prepped the kids for their visit to ur uncle Bobby's house for the day because u siad it yesterday."oh thank u Kash that's very nice of u"I said getting up,but the twins stopped me."Mama why won't u kiss daddy good morning ?"they asked "what ?,who thought u kids that".

"In G-ma's house she kisses pop-pop good morning,so kiss daddy"."pop-pop ?,who ?"."Mama don't change the subject kiss daddy"."yeah mama kiss daddy"Des backed Dey up,wow my own kids were really ganging up on me."Fine Lani let's get this over with"Kash said from the corner he leaned in and gave me a soft kiss on the lips and to be honest it felt like heaven,his lips were soft as fuck and felt like pillows,and he was so gentle.

"Ohh mama and daddy kissing"they cheered.suddenly he pulled away and I felt lonely it's like my lips were whole again ugh my feelings be playing with me man ,I looked over at Kash and he was still staring at my lips but he knew the kind of circumstances we were on so he offered to bathe the kids as an excuse to the awkward atmosphere and rising sexual tension in the air.

Minutes later

"Kash where we going?"I whined as he tugged at the blanket covering my body."the kids are gone and u wanna spend ur day watching"Lucifer?"."yeah no not on my watch,get ur ass out if bed we gonna take a quick drive around the neighborhood"."fine give me a couple minutes "I replied getting out if bed and doing some hygiene and put on a cute fit and put my hair in a bun grabbed my purse , lipgloss,some gum,and my portable charger.

We spent a good thirty minutes just driving and talking about random things and now Kash had us laying on the dock of a random lake and trust me it was relaxing if I do say so myself until Kash looked at me with a serious face."Lani look am sorry for everything I wish I could be there for u and the twins when u were struggling but that bitch Alia set me up with the cops".

"Wait what?!?,my best friend set up up how?"."well I went to her house after the party cuz she invited me and I was carrying a gun because uhm-"."wait hold on a second what u carrying a gun for?"."Lani chill I was coming back from my warehouse were I kept my drugs and all ,and she said I should come over when I went there she called the cops on me saying I was trespassing and shit and I threatened her with a gun and tried to   fucking assault her when I didn't do nothing and we'll the cops believed her and I was arrested".

"Wow that a lot but are u it Aliyah my bestie ?"."yh Lani like wearing designers scarf and hijabs and lives in that huge Mansion on Franklin avenue "."yep that her"I said gulping because my own best friend just like did that like this bitch and she said it was a random mf who was high.

"Anyways Lani can we like get a fresh start from everything like we could date if u Cool with it but if u not we could co-parent if u want".This this fine ass am just ask me to be his girlfriend? Omg of course yes."Kash yes I will be ur girlfriend but we gotta take things slowly don't want any problems "."sure Ani " "Ani?"."yep ur new nickname mama"."aww let's go home we gotta pick the twins by '6'."ok".

We packed up picked up the twins ordered some takeout binged watched a few movies and just talked about random things and then cuddled to sleep,who ever knew Mr tough guy was a cuddler.

Oh Lani and Kash getting back together eek😘💗,but my girl Aliyah wow.

Anyways I wanna thank y'all for the views and my first follower JAMIESHA01 I love u so much for following me and all ur votes and views💗🌼.

Vote.follow.and add to ur library's 💗

From yours truly Zara 💗🌈🌺🤪

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