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Keshawn Kamari Black
📍 Basement

Drilling holes into the kneecaps of the spies we found I couldn't help but grin sinisterly as their pleas for me to stop filled the room.

Music to my ears in other words

"Mane chill out u gon kill 'em before we get the info"Ant said stepping in removing the drill from my hand I stood up admiring my work this was the second spy this week we had killed the first two days ago and he revealed a few things to us.

First is that Lamar's ass is working with them and them niggas had been having shipments coming in for themselves in my dock,and why I say had is because we tracked down the person selling the shipment for them and killed the nigga, anyways back to the present where currently touring the spy to get answers from him.

"Mane u done branded this guy as a punching bag"Moolie said walking in with a fresh blunt in his hand,"Damn demon spawn"Key said laughing,I walked away picking up a long metal rod the ones that hurt when hit with it, smirking I walk over to the nigga whose already trembling.

"F-fine i-i'll talk p-please s-stop"he spoke up."Oh he speaks"Jp said looking at him, dropping the rod I inched closer to him until I could feel the fear radiating of him,"Speak then little nigga remember we know where u family live"I reminded him.Truth be told I never ever involved families am only laying out threats.

"T-the man h-has a l-long scar on his f-face and everybody on f-fifth down to e-eight avenue fear him because he knows T-Tyrone B-Black and he Targeting y-you and Your baby mama and ki-kids"he paused coughing up blood due to all the cuts he had."a-and h-he has t-his n-nigga L-Lamar helping him a-and he sent us t-to distract y-you f-from h-his plan"he said taking slow short breaths.

"Tyrone Black? Who that?"Key asked making us looking at him shocked "Nigga u dumb as hell"Ant Said smacking him"Tyrone Black aka my Irresponsible drug addicted Father is Chicago and Atlanta's number one drug lord he also does Human trafficking and sex trafficking on the side"I told him despite feeling a weird feeling.

"Damn if he a drug lord how he had you and ur sister?"Moolie asked shocking the rest of the guys in the basement because nobody except him knew of my sister Monique."Well a fine black woman was being trafficked he fucked her she got pregnant escaped gave birth to me and my pops found her two years later fucked her again she gave birth to Monique and then he hunted her and killed her cuz she knew to much"I  admitted.

"Wow"They audibly gasped surprised because no one and I mean no or e knew of Monique infact she lived in South Africa with our G-ma because she thought it was too dangerous for her to be in Atlanta she's nineteen in school as a cosmetology major and owns her own business,I go see her every Christmas, Thanksgiving and her birthday.

"Anyways goodnight nigga"I Said shooting the guy we had been torturing for the past two days his body slumped to the floor from where he had been hanging and I smiled seeing his final state.

Bloody, vulnerable and raw

"Damn Satan spawn"Moolie said,"For real my nigga,only he smiles like that seeing a dead body"Ant said while Key chuckled,Jp got up from the sofa not before pouring acid on the body going up to the trap house to go see his Baby mama/fiance Chioma who had just given birth.

Getting out if the basement I change my clothes into something else before getting into my truck and going to Panda Express to order Lani's favourite yellow Rice with Orange chicken and Chick-fil-A for the twins.

Driving off I call Mark and Ryan the niggas in charge of watching my shipment in Chicago and New York.

Hello boss

Mark,Ryan my mains how is my shipment going

Perfectly fine boss for New York

Same here for Chicago ur sister is also here as well .

What is she doing there

Business boss

Ok keep an eye on her for me and make sure Marcus and Lucas are watching her till she leaves.

Yes boss

Keep up the good work boys.I say hanging up and pulling into the driveway of Lani's apartment complex getting into the elevator I click on the sixth floor,the elevator ride is normal getting up to her door I ring the doorbell and the door is opened by Deyjah.

"Hi pops"she says letting me in giving me a good view of the inside of the apartment it was a beautiful Beige,mint green and gold scheme."Hmm where ur mama at?"I ask taking off my shoes at the entrance and wearing my indoor slippers placing the food on the kitchen counter.

"Oh she with Aunty Ari whose putting Kyky to bed"she says walking into the movie room where am guessing here and Desire are watching a movie, walking into the guestroom because that's where Ari's been staying ever since the Lamar incident.

"Oooo he's so cute "I heard Lani's voice saying I opened the door seeing her carrying Kyrie in her arms and on the phone with Ari I guess."Hey bae"she says wrapping her soft arms around me and pecking me on the lips
"Hey love,hey Ari"I say to Lani and also acknowledging Ari who she's on the phone with."Hey brother in-law"she says.

"Why is KyKy here?"I ask genuinely confused "oh Kash I had an interview for the new job I told u about"Ari reminds me "Oh yh anyways Lani am in the movie room with the twins ur food is in the microwave btw"I say walking out not before pecking KyKy on the cheeks.

"Hey daddy"Desire says upon seeing me enter the movie room"Hey kiddo here's ur food "I say handing her and Deyjah their food "Daddy can I go to my friend's house?"Deyjah ask's looking up from her phone "Yh sure what's her name and give me her parents number"."Ok sure dad,thank u"she says continuing the movie Wich is called "Rio".

Hi guys it's been a while honestly needed a break cus ur gurl been sick asf not really feeling myself.
Anyways I got a friend to read this and she told me is pretty good that I should continue writing so that's my motivation.

And here's another insight on Kash's pov and also he has a sister? And oop

I may add Monique to more of this chapters not really sure ngl.Anyways how's y'all week been decided to change the name of the book and the bio and the genres Soo what y'all think bout that?

Add to ur library's

Bye pretty ass hoes

Zara 💗

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