Andrew's POV Part 1

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         I had been hiding in my room ever since I got home from school. Annie made me eat food at school. Jole and Margaret, my foster parents, didn't allow me to eat food because I'll get fat. They weighed me after school each day and if I've gained weight, it means I ate something, and then they'd punish me. The punishment was usually horrible beating or painful rape or something like that.

         I realized I hadn't been bothered by Jole or Margaret in a while...or seen Ella- since I got home. I immediately got up and went to Ella's room. It was possible she was just reading or something because she does that a lot, but I was still terrified.

        When I opened her bedroom door, she wasn't there. I panicked and ran to the bathroom and knocked.

       "Ella?" I said in panic.

       There was no answer.

       I ran downstairs to what Jole named "the Fun Room". It's actually just the creepy basement where they abuse us. Isn't that just awesome?

       "ELLA?" I yelled in panic.

        Again, there was no answer.

        "ELLA? PLEASE ANSWER ME" I yelled as loud as I could.

        No answer. I looked in the dark closet they often locked us in, Ella was there.

        "Thank god I found y-" I paused, realizing she was unconscious, a knife next to her and blood dripping down off her neck and wrists. I froze and dropped to the ground next to her. No. She can't be. I need her. No. I lightly touched her face, she was ice cold- and not breathing. I sobbed and cried harder than I ever had in my life. Even worse than when my dad had died. And when my mom almost did.

         My whole body shaking and barely able to move, let alone walk, I got up and ran upstairs and out the door. I ran straight to our neighbors house. A boy slightly younger than me, Elliot, lived there, I didn't really know him but this was an emergency. I knocked on their door in panic. Elliot's father answered.


         Still sobbing and barely able to stand, "my sister committed suicide and I don't have access to a phone can I please-" I couldn't finish, I just couldn't anymore. I wanted to die even more.

         Elliot's father nodded and called 911, and let me inside.

         He offered me food, I panicked and quickly said no.

         Soon there was a knock on the door. I jumped up quickly, hoping it was a  911 dispatcher with good news. Or at

        Elliot's father got up to answer it and I followed.

        There was a dispatcher there, he was frowning.
        "We looked in the closet you said she'd be in, and everywhere else on the property just in case. She's not there. There's evidence of a kidnapping. The police have been notified. I'm sorry" he told us.

        I ran out of the house quickly. Not wanting them to see me cry. I ran up the street and kept running until I couldn't run anymore. Trying not to pass out on the sidewalk, I walked.
        Several people raised an eyebrow at me, or asked if they could help me. I said no thank you to all of them, and kept walking.

        When I finally got to my best friend's house, I knocked on her front door. Her mom, Heather, answered.

        "Oh Andrew sweetie what's wrong?" She asked me, worried as she led me inside.

         Annie came running downstairs and immediately hugged me, not even knowing what was wrong.

         "Drew, will you sit down?" She asked me, seeing I looked like I was about to pass out.

          I sat down on the couch and they sat with me, I quickly explained what happened and was sobbing harder by the end. They were both crying. Annie was hugging me more than she ever had before, rubbing my back, trying to comfort me. It didn't help but it was nice I guess.

          Heather went to get me some food, she always wanted to feed me whenever she saw me, it was annoying because Annie had this power of getting me to eat.

         When she got back with the food she sat down, setting it next to us.

          "Will you please eat something Drew-? ..I know you don't like to...but- you need it to live...and I need you to stay alive-"
          I shook my head quickly and hid my face in her shoulder as I cried harder. She just hugged me closer and cried- I didn't like seeing her cry. It seemed sadder than seeing anyone else cry. Even Ella. Why that is I don't know.

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