Carson's POV Part 1

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I had been hiding in my room for hours now. Why was this my life? I wanted to die. This guy from school, Maverick, had been bullying me since my first day. I don't even know why, he just hates me. Well of course he does, I'm me.

           I played an endless running game on my phone, I don't know why but it helped me with anxiety. It was a good distraction from hurting myself, not that I didn't want to do that but my boyfriend Zander didn't like it. He's a hypocrite though because he does it too. He didn't eat much either, it scared me.

          Then I got a text. Great. It was probably Maverick again, shaming me for some shit. I opened my phone, and it wasn't Maverick. It was Zander.

          "Cam didn't clear out his tablet after school and John came home early took it I don't think he went through it yet but he will tonight can u help us get out later pls?" The text said.

          "Yeah ofc" I replied. Zander's text sounded slightly panicked and I knew it was serious. I knew that when John saw the shit on that he'd hurt them. I hated that. I wish John would just die, or that I could take Zander and Cam's place. I loved Zander, and I wanted more than anything to take all his pain away.

          I got up and opened my bedroom door, I couldn't see my parents or siblings. I walked outside and to the backyard to look for my brother Cody, he went there often.

          I found Cody hanging upside down off a tree branch. Why the fuck he did that I don't know.

         "Cody, can you drive me to pick up Zander and Cam? I can't ask dad-" I said to him.

         "Sure I guess." He agreed, knowing if I couldn't ask dad it must mean we were sneaking them out, as we've had to do that several times before.

         When we got to their neighborhood we had to park a bit far away, to avoid getting caught. We got out of the car and quietly walked up to their house. I climbed up the tree near Zander's bedroom window and quietly knocked on it, still loud enough for them to hear.
         Zander opened the curtains and smiled at me. I smiled back, then climbed off the tree so they could climb down.

         Zander opened the window and Cam slowly climbed down first, then Zander.

         I hugged Zander closely. I never wanted to let go.

         "I love you" I whispered in his ear.

         "I love you too-" he whispered back.

         "Guys stop being mushy and hurry up or we're gonna get beat." Cam said anxiously.

         Zander stuck his tongue out at Cam, and I flipped him off.

        "What's that finger mean?" Zander asked innocently.

         Cody snorted and I held back a laugh.

        "It means fuck you" I told him.

        "What's that mean-?" He asked.

        "When two people love each other very much-" Cody began.

        "No Cody, don't tell him that right now!" I glared at him.

        "Guys. Hurry." Cam said, panicking slightly.

        "Okay okay." I said.

        The four of us quickly but quietly walked back to Cody's car and got in. Cam sat in between me and Zander in the back.

       "Ah, the best seat. It's so gay in here." Cam stated.

       Zander glared at Cam, and Cam stuck his tongue out at him.

       When we got back to my house, Cody went in through the front door and opened my bedroom window so the twins and I could sneak in.

      Eventually we were all able to go to sleep. I slept better when Zander was there. I didn't  know exactly why.

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