Eddie's POV Part 1

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I opened the back door and ran for it, they were trying to do it again and I wouldn't let them. I was tired of being touched and played with like a doll or something. So I was going to run away and never come back, if I die on the way that's a bonus. Or maybe I'll meet a wolf friend and smooch it, marry it, never have children because I'm terrified, and run away with it forever. Riding her back. Her name would be Wolfy Wolf Friend. I wonder what it would be like to smooch a wolf.

What the fuck was wrong with me I'm dreaming of running off and living happily ever after with a wolf. Help me please someone. Kill me please. I think I'm part wolf. That's the only logical solution seeing as I apparently would like to kiss one. I thought I was asexual- not wolf-sexual- just kidding just kidding hehe I'm fine.

As I was walking through the woods, from the entrance near my backyard, I heard a wolf's howl and got very excited. Just kidding. I was fucking terrified.

The wolf walked up to me and stared at me. Do I run or stand still? This is what we should learn in school instead of algebra, what to do if a wolf approaches you. That'd be helpful, unlike algebra.

Like any traumatized messed up human would do, I kissed the wolf's head and ran. What the actual fuck was wrong with me?

Later, after my wolf crisis, I found a nice tree and slept by it.

I woke up in a hospital bed. Why the fuck was I in a hospital bed?! Oh there's bites on my arms, the wolf got me. Cool cool. I wish they would've killed me though. Who the fuck even found me-? I'm so confused right now.

The doctor came in and told my foster parents shit and I definitely listened very well. All I heard is that I need drugs. I love drugs. I wanna take too much and die. That'd be really funny. I giggled out loud.

"What is it Edmund?" My foster mother asked me.

"Hehe death" I said.

"He really does need that medication. He's completely snapped." My foster father said.

I giggled at that for some reason.

Again, what the actual fuck was wrong with me?

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