Grayson's POV Part 1

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       When I got to Elijah's house he ran up and hugged me immediately. How was he so fucking adorable? He had dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, the most perfect face shape, and he was thirteen and six feet tall just saying.

        "Hi baby" I said with a huge smile.

        "Hi hi baby" he said back with a fucking adorable huge smile right at me.

         I loved him so much I just wanna squish his face. So I did. I squished his cheeks and put my forehead against his because I can.

        "Cute squished baby hehe"  I said while grinning.

        "How dare you" He said while smiling.

        "No, how dare you." I said.

        Then I picked him up and brought him to the backyard and put him in the grass.

        "You're a grass baby now" I told him, grinning.

        "Yes yes okay" he agreed "but, you must be a grass baby with me. Otherwise I will be a lonely grass baby and that's sad."

         "Okie baby." I said as I lay next to him. "Can we be grass babies while having some....grass?" I smirked jokingly.

         "No no. Bad grass baby." He told me.
         "But, it's yummy." I stated innocently,

         "Have you had it?" He asked me, looking shocked, it was very cute.

         "No, not yet at least." I said simply.

         "Oh okay, good. I just didn't want you to have it without me."

         I nodded and laughed.

         I didn't know what I'd do without him, Elijah, my sweet boyfriend who I'd known since we were three years old. Without him...there'd be no without him.

        Later that night, we were both asleep...

        I ran from the gunshots and fire, I wanted out, quick. I heard the scream. I had never found out who's scream that was. It was a soft male voice. Then I was in someone's arms, they were huge. I screamed and-

       "Gray? Gray? Please baby wake up. You're safe I promise." I heard Elijah saying.

      I quickly woke up and sat up.

     "I love you Grayson. You're okay." Elijah said quietly. "Is it okay if I hug you?"

     "Yeah-" I said quietly, still scared from the nightmare.

      I had had that nightmare almost every night my entire life. I still don't know anything about it. Elijah wakes me up before the really bad part. Which is good because when he doesn't I end up in the little place.

      Elija hugged me tightly. "Let's go back to sleep baby- okay?"

      I nodded and lied down next to him.

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