Andrew's POV Part 2

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             I hadn't gone back home since what happened to Ella. Annie had told me that when I did come back home she was coming with me, and Heather was actually allowing it- I knew they just didn't want me to end my life too, but they didn't know how terrible it was there, and I didn't want Annie to get hurt. She was so precious and sweet, she didn't deserve it. I didn't know how to tell them what happened there.

              Then I remembered Annie's power, several people we knew had some sort of power. Annie's didn't get used much, it was the ability to read someone's mind and know everything that had ever happened to them, even if they don't remember. She had never used it on me, but I could ask her too...then I wouldn't have to explain anything.

             Annie and I had been watching a movie, and surprisingly Heather had left us alone. She didn't do that much, she was pretty protective.

             "..Annie-?" I said, slightly hesitant.

             "Yeah?" She replied.

              "Can you use your power on me-?" I asked her.

              "I mean yeah if you want me to- is there a reason why-?"

              "'ll understand when you do it-" I said quietly.

              "Okay then-" she said, slightly confused.

              She reached her arm out towards me, and gently put it against my forehead, and closed her eyes tight. Her hand fel After a few moments, she quickly opened her eyes and hugged me tightly, tears streaming down her face.

              "Why didn't you tell me-?" She asked in a shaky voice. "I know you were scared but-" she hugged me tighter. "I'm so sorry Drew-"

              I nodded, not knowing what to say. I knew I should've expected her to cry, but I felt bad that she was.

             "You know we have to tell my mom...right-?" She said quietly. "We need to get you out of there-"

              I nodded. I was terrified of what would happen when Jole and Margaret found out I told someone.

              Heather walked back in the room, because she didn't like to leave us alone too long.

              She raised an eyebrow at us, and frowned slightly.

              "Are you two alright?" She asked, concerned.

              Annie looked at me with a look that seemed to say "can I tell her now?" I don't really understand why or how but we could talk like that sometimes. I nodded slightly.

              Annie began telling Heather what had happened to me and Ella, not in much detail though, just what she needed to know. Still not letting go of me.

             Heather nodded slowly, holding back tears, and she told me she was sorry and stuff. Then she picked up her phone and called some people.

             Annie still hadn't let go of me, and I didn't mind. I liked hugs, I rarely got them though. She had started rubbing my back, trying to comfort me I guess. She kissed my head softly. I felt the skin on my face turn bright red, and I hid my face in her shoulder so she couldn't see. I admit I had been crushing on her since like fifth grade but she didn't need to know that. I doubt she felt the same way, I valued our friendship more than anything, and didn't want to mess anything up.



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