Zoey's POV Part 1

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        Hearing that my sister Ella had died, and knowing that I couldn't die, because I had to take care of Andrew, I went to some party with a random boy from school. His name was...Freddie...I think-

       Of course I got very drunk, gotta wash away my problems you know? Anyways, it was all kind of a blur. I drank the shit, stripped, got pinned to a wall- you know the drill.

       The next morning I woke up with a bad case of hangover. Wait-  This isn't my house! I jumped out of bed and saw some complete stranger next to me. He looked way older too!

       I realized I wasn't wearing anything. Fuck. Then I realized the dude wasn't wearing anything either. That's just great. Then I saw his closet, I found a hoodie and sweatpants that could be cinched in. I quickly put them on and ran out of his home.

      When I got a safe distance away, I called my friend Jude's mom, Sarah. She was usually pretty understanding and I knew she'd come get me. Unlike my foster father who I'm pretty sure would just say "I'm busy" or some shit.

      I was extremely relieved when I saw her car pull up, I quickly got in and she drove me to her house, so my foster father wouldn't see me like this and ground me or some shit.

      She took me inside and told me to take a shower and gave me some of Liz's clothes so I didn't have to wear that fucking bitches shit anymore. I was fully planning to burn that shit later.
      When I got out of the shower I felt a bit better but I still had the headache. I had a glass of water and then Jude came downstairs and annoyed me with random shit as always. That's Jude for you.

       "If a bear married a hamster what would their children look like? How do bears fuck? Do you think my dad is actually a hamster villain? Is Liz becoming a hamster villain too? Will I be a hamster villain some day? If I put a mouse in your hair would you kill me?" He went on.

       "Yes I would." I told him half aggressively.

       "What if I wanna die though?" He said with a sarcastically happy smile.

        "Fuck you." I said.

        "Ewe!" he said with a fake disgusted face.

        "Dude you know I didn't mean it that way." I said with an annoyed expression.

        "That's sad." He said in fake dramatically sad.

        "What?!" I asked.
        "Nothing." He grinned.

        "You're weird." I told him.

         "I know." He smiled at me.

         Why was Jude so ridiculous and so adorable but then kinda hot-  It's not fair.

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