Ch. 1 (Edited)

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~3:35 P.M, Yokohoma City, Japan~
(Y/n's POV)



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I walked out of my bedroom and exited the house, I tugged on my hood pulling it down farther and then put my hands into my hoodie pocket

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I walked out of my bedroom and exited the house, I tugged on my hood pulling it down farther and then put my hands into my hoodie pocket. I made it to an abandoned building and went onto the roof, the wind softly blowing my hair. 

"Beautiful isn't it?" A raspy voice asked

I jumped as I thought I was alone but clearly I wasn't. I turned and looked at the male, my eyes widened at the sight of the male. Black spikey hair, and purple scars underneath his eyes and then his jaw and his neck and chest, then his arms and staples holding his skin together. But what caught my eyes was his beautiful turquoise eyes.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer" The male winked

I scoffed and turned my head.

"Wow, you're a cocky bastard aren't you?" I snarled

He chuckled and stood next to me, I knew he was staring at me but I didn't care. I got a text from my dad (A/n: In this fanfiction, there will be phones in Hell)

Father: Y/n/n, that guy you are with right now is going to ask you to follow him, and I need you to accept their offer.

You: Okay?

"Follow me" The male ordered

~Time Skip, to the LOV Base~
(Y/n's POV)

Waiting for the "Boss" to come out of a room to come and "Meet" me. So I am standing against the wall, lighting my pinking on fire and a small black flame danced around my fingers. Then footsteps filled the room causing me to extinguish the flame and I crossed my arms.

"Wow *Scoffs* I was expecting more from your guys so called 'Leader'" I laughed

"Shut up Lucifer" The crusty male growled

I rolled my eyes and listened to what the crusty male had to say.

"We have been watching you closely Y/n. Including how you work and how strong you are with your quirks. And your quirks, might I say are very, very, very strong and I believe you would be a very valuable asset to us." The male stated

I raised my eyebrow and smirked.

"Oh, me? I'm quite honored" I joked

"So what will it be? Will you join the League of Villains?" The male spoke

I thought in my head but then remembered what my father told me. Although I like to work alone, I knew I would be SOOO grounded if I refused so I decided I will follow directions. Letting out a sigh I looked at him.

"Yes I will join *Eyes Glow* Shigaraki Tomura" I gave out a fangy smirk

Everyone's eyes widened and were confused.

"How do you know everyone's names?" A 17 year old girl asked

I chuckled and smirked

"I know everyone's especially their real names" I looked at Shigaraki and Dabi

"Well I guess we don't need to introduce ourselves since you already know." Dabi spoke out

I looked at the male and grinned.

"You are right Dabi or should I say Tou-" I was cut off

"Shut up" Dabi growled

With that he walked off. I decided to walk home but before I could walk out I felt a hand on my wrist and was pulled into a side hug.

"SLEEPOVER" Toga squealed in my ear

"Uhhhhh....Demon's don't really do 'Sleepovers'" I chuckled nervously 

I tried to shake Toga off of me but she is way too strong which is strange because I am usually stronger than humans. Sighing in defeat, I stopped struggling.

"Damn it, fine you win, just let me go" I snarled

"YAY" Toga cheered

"This is going to be a loooong night" I thought to myself


Word Count: 685

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