Ch. 14

23 1 4

(Satan's POV)

"She closed what?!" I questioned darkly

"The portal, One of the henchmen told her well...tricked her saying her lover was trying to get into the portal when really he had locked himself in his room. You need to re-open it sire" The maid responded

I sighed and nodded, opening up another portal. After I was done, I walked towards Y/n's room and opened it slightly revealing y/n laying on her bed. Her arms wrapped around the pillow her head was on, her hair was on the other side of her body. I took her shoes off and sat them neatly in her closet. The tiara was placed neatly on her vanity with a piece of paper and pen. I looked at it and saw a drawing of Dabi. A light chuckle escaped my lips. 

"You really love him huh? You would do anything for his safety but I can tell you one thing...This is not your real home anymore. *Presses lips against the top of her head* If you wish to stay you can but you're free to leave if you want" I whispered against her ear

I noticed a small smile appeared on her lips. I left her room and quietly closed her door. 

"My little girl, I hope you make the right decision" I thought to myself

~2 months later~
(Y/n's POV)



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I looked at my father with a face of worry

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I looked at my father with a face of worry. But he is making me go back up to Earth because I am supposedly "Depressed Down Here" which I like to deny the fact that I am. 

"Damn it, Why did I have to fall for him" I whispered

"Cause Chaos my baby *Hugs Y/n*" A demon spoke (This is the demon that took care of you when Satan was busy)

"I will...A lot more than anyone can handle" I replied

After all the farewells, I stepped through the portal and apparently took me to the League's front door. I crossed my arms and cursed my father in my head. I heard the door open and I immediately turned into a shadow blending into the walls. 

"I know I know, I can't risk killing more people *Grumbles* but I still will" I hear Dabi's voice spoke

Before I could even hear a response, Dabi slammed the door shut. He then walked off out of view so I decided to get out of my shadow. I pulled my hood up and ran through alleyways deciding to cause my chaos. I found two innocent kids who got lost and a hero. I noticed they were shaking. But something inside me changed...I wanted to protect them. I looked at the hero and my eyes went dark as I stared up at Endeavor. 

"P-Please m-my sister didn't m-mean any h-harm" The little boy whimpered

"Wow *Claps sarcastically* What a great job Mr. Enji Todoroki. Terrorizing innocent little kids" My voice sarcastically spoke

Little did I know I was being watched by someone I loved. I walked in front of the little boy who was standing behind my leg, hugging it. 

"Who are you? You have no business here" Endeavor replied

I laughed and my eyes glowed red. I held my hand out for the little girl.

"And so do you. Let go of the girl" I demanded

"Why should I? She stole from a food market" Endeavor replied

A low growl escaped from my throat as my death stare intensified.

"We have all sinned, you are practically disobeying the queen of Hell...tsk tsk *Makes Enji fall to his knees while letting the girl go* It is a shame that you are going to Hell...Oh Wait *Laughs* It isn't, *leans into his ear* I am going to make your life a living hell and that is the truth. I might as well kill you now because I have the power and the bloodlust to do so but I am not going to take away the fun. Better watch your step or else this demon lord has no hesitation to kill" I threatened 

With Endeavor shaking in fear I walked over to the little girl and boy and kneeled down to their level, my eyes softened. The little girl had short ash light blonde hair and beautiful baby pink eyes while the boy had light brown hair and beautiful blue eyes.

"A-Are you going to kill us?" The boy stuttered

I smiled softly and caressed his cheek and the girl's cheek as well. 

"You have so much to live for, why would I end you? Do you guys have parents?" I asked

They both shook their head no and I just let a hm. I looked at the little girl and wiped a bit of dirt off her cheek.

"What's your names?" I asked

"My name is Hiro Sadachi, I'm 7 years old and this is my 4 year old sister, Akiri Sadachi" The 7 year old introduced 

"I'm Y/n Lucifer, take away my last name and I don't sound threatening *Winks playfully*" I replied

The three of giggled and I thought about something causing a warm smile stretch across my lips.

"How about I adopt the two of you? Would you like that?" I questioned

They both smiled really big and jumped into my arms. 

"Thank you, Thank you! We will be the best kids for you Mrs. Y/n" Hiro thanked

"No need to call me me mom *Smiles* I always had a soft spot for children and so seeing you two in danger made me want to protect you. *presses my lips against their foreheads* You'll be safe with me" I whispered


Word Count: 966

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