CH. 3

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~Yokohoma City, 9:35 P.M. LOV Base Rooftop~
(Y/n's POV)

The wind blowing my hair as I stood on the roof, admiring the city. I thought I was alone but apparently I wasn't. 

"Well just like the first time we met huh?" Dabi chuckled

I rolled my eyes but I smiled. I stretched and decided to braid my hair. 

"I can't wait to get out there and do some killing *licks my lips* I am craving for some blood" I drooled

Dabi just stared at me in a weird way but I didn't mind. I laid down on the rooftop and stared up at the stars. My mind is slowly drifting off to wondering about my mother. Soon I felt a body next to me causing me to smile.

"Dabi...Is it nice to be human?" I asked softly

Dabi just looked at me like I was crazy.

"Well that you'll have to ask someone else...I am sure you already know why" Dabi replied

I sighed.

"The reason I am asking is because I want to be human...fully not a demon not half and half. Just Human....I want to be free" My eyes glistened 

Dabi laid his head in my lap causing my eyes to widen and a small blush dusting on my face. 

"W-W-What are you doing?" I stuttered

Dabi chuckled and smirked.

"Oh is the great demon princess stuttering? I thought the demon princess was great with words" Dabi laughed

I smacked his head causing him to jolt up off my lap causing me to smirk. I stuck my tongue out.

"Never underestimate me" I proudly spoke

~2 Weeks Later~
(Y/n's POV)

I lounged in the spinning chair that was next to Dabi and Toga, my eyes closed. Listening to Shigaraki rant.

"Y/N! ARE YOU LISTENING!?!" Shigaraki yelled

I opened one eye and then closed it again, scoffing. 

"yeah yeah, you're a great leader and we are just pawns in your game. Aka I'm not listening. No one wants to hear your rant. So why not shut up hm?" I joked

Almost everyone but Kurogiri and Shigaraki started laughing. I opened my eyes to see a pair of red eyes and I just kept my mouth shut. I felt my phone buzz but I ignored it. I paid attention now since my father is watching me. 

"I guess I can just take away your mission" Shigaraki persuaded

"NO!! *Stands up and walks over to him. Holding his throat tightly* I DARE YOU" I growled 

My eyes spark red as I started growling. I felt arms around my waist and a hand going over my eyes, instantly calming me down. My eyes turned to normal but I was drowsy then I collapsed into the arms of my father.

(Dabi's POV)

 We all watched as the Lord of Hell calmed Y/n down and then she fell asleep. 

"She takes after me. She enjoys killing and blood. She really needs to get out so I suggest you give her the mission Tomura Shigaraki or else" Satan threatens 

Shigaraki was shaking which was funny. Satan smirked at me and motioned for me to follow him, which I did. We walked to Y/n's room and I watched as Satan tucked Y/n in. 

"Dabi, I know you. You had a lot of trauma *Looks at Y/n* She sees that." Satan spoke

"I never thought you were this caring" I joked

Satan looked at me well more like glaring at me causing me to shut up. I watched him take a human form and he motioned for us to go on a walk. And we did. 

~Outside, 4:35 P.M.~
(Dabi's POV)

As we walked outside it was silent. Satan finally broke the silence.

"I know your real name, Touya Todoroki" Satan spoke

"It's Dabi" I grumbled

Satan chuckled and shook his head. 

"whatever. Also I am not caring but when it comes to Y/n...I do. I love my daughter. But she told me how she felt about you...and it was the exact feeling that I had with her mother." Satan spoke

I stood there and thought about it. A small smile on my face and then we continued walking. Soon we then headed back to the hideout and Satan left.


Word Count: 676

Sorry for the short chapter

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