Ch. 9

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(Y/n's POV)

I didn't stop running. I couldn't, I almost killed Ritika (A/n: I will explain the history between you and Ritika. So you went to a human school because when you were little you were more human like about 99% human. And Ritika was your best friend through 6th grade until she left you to rot. You were very injured and a bloody mess and Ritika left you to die.) and the one I loved. The rain poured harder, making my hair and clothes soaked. My hair got way too soaked so I just took it out of my braid. I found myself standing in front of a closed shop, staring at myself through the class. I leaned my forehead against the glass as I thought about what I did.

"I'm a monster...nothing more" I whispered

I continued walking but stopped when I reached a chain fence. The glow of my eyes is the only light in the darkness. I don't know where to go anymore. 

(Dabi's POV)

All I could think about was Y/n and finding her. I was looking everywhere for her, but in the forest. I was losing hope. I kept thinking she went back to Hell but the words she spoke..."I don't belong there" were ringing in my head. I then saw a chained fence and a woman standing in front of it. I walked towards the woman and I saw a glimpse of red hair. My arms wrapped around her, my face nuzzling into her neck. 

"Y/n" I whimpered

(Y/n's POV)

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and a face in the crook of my neck. Feeling a warm liquid falling down my neck and I knew what liquid it was because my mouth watered. 

"D-Dabi" my voice cracked

I turned around and I felt his lips on mine. My eyes stayed open, my vision blurred. I kissed him back my eyes closing which let tears fall down my cheeks. We pulled away, a string of saliva connecting our lips together. His hand caressing my cheek. Letting out a small whimper, my hands gripped his shirt, sobbing into his chest. 

"I'm sorry" I sobbed 

His fingers ran through my hair trying to calm me down which was slowly working. My eyes felt heavy and soon my went limp in his arms.

~Back at the Base~
(Ritika's POV)

My head hung low as I thought about Y/n's eyes. They were murderous and crazy, almost dead. 

"What happened to my old best friend" I thought to myself

I sat on the barstool, the memories of when me and Y/n were kids. A small warm smile plastered on my face but then it turned into a frown. 

"I wonder why she asked you if you missed her?" Toga asked

I sighed and looked at her.

"Me and Y/n were best friends when we were kids. She was Human at least I thought she was...until now. I would protect her when kids would bully her and attack her. It got so bad that she almost died from how much blood she lost. But in 6th grade I...I wasn't a great friend. *Sighs* I left her on her own, the way she looked at me now was how she looked at me then. Like she was getting her revenge and she did. She almost killed me and I deserved that. *A tear streamed down my cheek* I regret leaving her all on her own." I explained

Everyone fell silent, the air was awkward. But the door was open revealing Dabi holding Y/n in his arms. She was asleep. 

"Dabi you're back and with my best friend!" Toga squealed  

"Shut the fuck up Crazy" Dabi snapped

(Dabi's POV)

I changed Y/n out of her soaked clothes and placed my hoodie on her. I laid her onto my bed and I kissed her forehead. 

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