Ch. 5

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We got off the train and my head hung low. Questions ran through my mind as I thought about the words the woman said to me.

"She called me 'Baby Girl' she said 'I'm sorry my baby girl' I'm confused" I thought 

I was so lost in thought that I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings and Dabi tugged the sleeve of my leather jacket to get my attention but then he grabbed my arm and pulled me into the alleyways. A grunt escaped my lips. I looked up at him and frowned.

"I can take care of my fucking self you know?!" I growled

He rolled his eyes.

"This way is quicker, besides heroes are roaming the streets, patrolling right now and we can't risk of getting caught" Dabi replied 

"Uh did you see what I am capable of? I was able to fight when I was alone and I can still do exactly that! So I don't need you to tell me what to do" I practically yelled

I ripped my arm from his grasp and walked down the alleyway.

~LOV Hideout, 3 A.M.~
(Y/n's POV)

I grabbed my clothes and I walked into the league's bathroom. I closed and locked the door behind me, then I placed my clothes on the sink along with my towel. I looked up in the mirror, my eyes glowing red. A memory taking over my mind


"Look at her, bleeding!" ??? (1) Laughed

My forehead was bleeding, my knee was bleeding, my nose, my arm, my mouth...they all were bleeding. Tears flooding my eyes as I felt the impact of a face to my nose.

"I thought Demon's couldn't bleed?" ??? (2) Laughed

My eyes were shutting down, but the last thing I saw was a woman with brown hair scaring the two boys and then she turned and face me, her beautiful blue eyes looked into mine before I lost consciousness.

~*Back to the Present*~ 

My eyes widened, hands on my head as tears flooded down my cheeks. My body started shaking and then I looked up at the mirror. I punched the mirror and shards of the mirror fell onto the ground. I picked up a shard and I sliced my wrist but nothing happened. 

"Y/N! OPEN THE DOOR!" Dabi yelled

I tried again but went deeper but nothing happened. Next thing I know the door was burnt down and the shard of glass was knocked out of my hand and I was in the arms of Dabi. I started sobbing in his chest as the memories I had pushed away came back.

"I-I love you Dabi" I confessed

I pulled away from the hug and slammed my lips onto his. My hands roaming his hair and his hands on my waist. 

"I will kill the two who made me suffer" I thought to myself

We pulled away, and I hugged him again. Feeling my eyes growing heavy, they started to close and my body went limp.

(Dabi's POV)

Seeing Y/n trying to cut herself ignited something...fear. I know she is a demon but something must have triggered her to do that. When she told me she loved me and slammed her lips onto was wonderful. I picked Y/n bridal style and took her to her bedroom. I tucked her in but as I was about to leave she pulled me into the bed with her. 

"You say you can take care of yourself but I'll still protect you" I whispered

I took out her braid and pressed my lips against her forehead, a small smile appeared on her lips. I started petting her head and I cuddled with her. Sleep soon taking control over me and I fell asleep with her.

(Satan's POV)

I watched as Y/n confessed her feelings towards Dabi. But I knew what triggered her to try and cut herself...and it made me angry. Seeing Dabi take the shard of glass out of her hand made me realize that he also didn't like that. The way he cradled her, the way he held her, calmed her down made me feel something that I never felt before. I watched as he picked Y/n up bridal style and I followed him to her room, as he was about to leave Y/n pulled him into the bed with her.

"You say you can take care of yourself but I'll still protect you" I heard Dabi whispered

I watched as he took out her braid and pressed his lips against her forehead. The feeling coming back to me. Waiting until Dabi fell asleep. Once he did I came out of the shadows and watched Y/n's chest slowly rising and falling. 

"My peaceful sleeping beauty. I love you my child" I whispered into Y/n's ear

I kissed her forehead and returned home.


Word Count: 781

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