CH. 4

63 2 1

**Warning** Blood, Knives

~The day of the Mission, Tokyo~
(Y/n's POV)



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 Standing on the roof of a building, watching the sun go down

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 Standing on the roof of a building, watching the sun go down. I turned my head and scoffed.

"Did you really have to come with? I can handle myself" I snarled

"Crusty ass told me that it was both our mission, also I was told by your father to keep an eye on you" Dabi replied

I rolled my eyes, and I spotted my target. Licking my fangs I smirked at Dabi. 

"Found him" I spoke

I jumped from roof to roof Dabi following behind but I jumped off the roof and my eyes glowed red. A low growl escaped my lips scaring the living fuck out of the dude. I hid in the shadows as I watched as the male walked into the alleyway. I slowly grabbed my knife and came out of the shadows right behind him. Dabi standing in the shadows watching me.

"Hello~" My voice turned demonic

I held my knife against his throat, licking my lips. I licked his cheek, my fang scratching a bit of skin off his cheek causing my eyes to spark with glee.

"Oh my, what a beautiful sight *Giggles Demonically*" My voice spoke softly

The male turned around and started shaking as he saw me, backing away from me. I noticed he had his phone out, I bet he was calling for him.

"G-G-Get a-a-away from m-m-me you m-m-monster" The male stuttered out of fright

"Why? Your death date is today, Fitoroshi Jatsuki. And let me tell you something *pulls him closer ripping his arm off* THERE ISN'T NO HEAVEN! ONLY HELL IN MY WORLD" I yelled

With that I ripped him into pieces, devouring every single piece of him there was. A moan escaped my lips as I drank his blood. 

"Y/n, we better get out of here...Heros are approaching" Dabi whispered into my ear

I smirked at him, my eyes glowing red. 

"Let them come, See if they can defeat me" I giggled

Under 10 minutes the heroes appeared, and one of them touched me which caused me to fling him onto the wall, instantly killing him. 

"Anyone Else?!" I questioned

They all shook in fear but one. The one who wasn't shaking looked familiar. Her bright blue eyes and brown eyes widened as she hugged me. 

"Y/n" She sobbed

My mind was blank, I couldn't remember who this woman was. Blood was all over my body and I was getting it onto her, I tried to escape from the hug but she hugged me so tightly that I couldn't. Not even the strongest aka me could escape. 

"H-How do you know me?" I whispered

"I'm your mother" She replied

My eyebrows furrowed and I grew in strength and I flew her across the alleyway. The rest of the heroes fled while this was all happening. I walked towards the women who claimed to be my mother. I wrapped my hand around her throat, growling.

"My mother is DEAD! How DARE you claim to be MY MOTHER" I yelled/Sobbed

"W-What is this feeling" I thought to myself

"Y/n we really need to go, the mission is complete and so far you killed like two people almost three. Let's Go" Dabi remarked

I looked at him and I let go of the woman. I turned my head towards the woman and the look she gave me was sorrow...I walked away with Dabi but heard the last words she said before I was gone.

"I'm sorry my baby girl" The woman whimpered


Word Count: 692

A/n: Sorry for the short chapter

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