Ch. 7

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~Down in Hell, 5 months later~
(Y/n's POV)

I stood in my bedroom, looking at myself in the cracked mirror.



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I walked down the hall and made my way to my throne

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I walked down the hall and made my way to my throne. My hair flowed behind me as I walked, my shoes clicked against the floor. For being the underworld it sure was pretty. The way the fire danced on the torches, everything here was perfect...yet again I was born and raised in this place. The red and black marble shined on the floor, the black marble pillars holding the ceiling up. I made it to the throne and I sat on the red cushioned seat, which was really comfortable. The throne itself was all black but had red cracks in it. 

All the demons and the souls that deserved to be in this place were all chanting "All Hail Queen Y/n", which was honestly I find it a little cringe. But that doesn't matter...This place isn't my home anymore. I rested my arm on the armrest and my cheek rested against the palm of my hand. My mind wandered off to what Dabi was doing. Hell is different here...just full of sorrow and death. Old me would have liked it but since I joined the league, I was growing feelings that I never understood what they were. Earth was so much more beautiful than here, the way the sun's glow highlighted the city. How the trees moved, and the grass. Earth was perfect although the people weren't.

"Y/n? Y/n?...Y/N!" A voice called out

My attention snapped back hoping this was all a dream but sadly it wasn't. There was a "Butler" holding my drink in a black rhinestone cup. The butler isn't a normal butler...I will say a ghost butler from Earth but has done some really wrong doings and was sent here. I grabbed the drink and softly smiled at him and nodded.

"Thank you" I replied

"You're welcome your highness. Oh by the way, I will be serving you. I don't know if you remember me but my name is Lero (Le-ro, Like Leo but with an r) Kabatski (Ka-Bat-Ski)" Lero introduced

I dismissed Lero and I looked at the dark red thick liquid that was in the cup, just thinking about it makes my mouth water. I took a drink and I let out a small quiet moan as the blood was way too good to be a human's blood. 

"I wonder..." I mumbled

I got up off my throne and started walking to my father's room. My shoes clicked against the floor, my dress swaying. I reached a tall black door with red streaks in it. My fingers gently touched the doorknob but I retreated my hand back. Letting out a small, quiet sigh I knocked on the door softly.

"Come in" A muffled voice spoke

My fingers touched the doorknob and turned it, opening the door. I saw my father lounging on his bed. I stood in the entrance of the door, softly rubbing my arm, biting my lip.

"Y/n/n come in. you're not a stranger. Feel free to come in at any time" Satan smiled

I weakly smiled back but as I walked in I remembered the way Dabi looked at me when I left. A single tear fell on the ground making the marble a tad bit wet. I took off my tiara and stared at it, I then looked up and I threw it at my father which he caught. (A/N: It's been 5 months since Y/n returned home)

"I'm done. I want to go home" I angrily spoke

My father chuckled and looked at me.

"You are home, what do you mean?" Satan asked

A low growl escaped my throat as my eyes watered. I shook my head no.

"I mean Earth, I want him, I need to see him. If I stay here, let me see him at least please" I whimpered

Satan sighed and nodded. 

~The LOV Hideout~
(Dabi's POV)

I laid in my bed, lighting a cigarette. My mind is hazy, missing Y/n. Blood escaped from my eye and I wiped it off. There was a knock on the door. I didn't answer but there was another knock.

"Dabi, you need to eat" Toga spoke from the other side of the door

I groaned and rolled my eyes.

"I want to be with her, why should I eat?" I grumbled

Next thing I know, my door was turned to dust. I turned my head and scoffed.

"There was no need for that" I snapped

"Look, we know you miss her but she is here." Shigaraki replied

I sat up and a woman's body was behind Shigaraki. Shigaraki moved out of the way and there stood her. Her red hair framing her body, the tiara on her head sparkled in the light, her leather high heel boots clicked against the floor. 

"Dabi" Y/n whimpered

She ran into my arms and I wrapped my arms around her, my shirt getting wet from her tears as she cried. My fingers ran through her hair. I placed my lips on the top of her head, her hands gripped my shirt. 

"Dabi...I can't stay because I have the underworld to run but my father gave me permission to see you when I am not busy *Weakly Smiles*" Y/n spoke softly

"It's okay, as long as I get to see you" I whispered

Y/n pulled away and pressed her lips against mine. My hands on her waist, her arms around my neck. We pulled away and a string of saliva connected our lips. 

"I have to go now but I love you" Y/n softly spoke

"I love you too" I replied 

Y/n released her arms from me and turned away, slowly disappearing from my sight. 


Words: 1014

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