Ch. 18

21 1 0

A/n: Me not literally making this at like 3 am because I am a dip shit and forgot to take cough syrup and sore throat medicine T-T I can't go back to sleep and won't be able to because once I'm up...I'm up. I had this damn cough for about 4 months now and my doctor says that I probably had COVID in January and this cough is just what was left over. COVID never affects me and I hate this cough. I can't go to school and be coughing because my teachers think I'm sick and send me to the nurse's office. Oh and one more thing. Y/n I believe now is either 22 or 23 and Dabi would be either 25 or 26, I just realized that now because of the month time skips. Okay enough of my rambling, enjoy the story

(Akoku's POV)

Staring at my future bride, I felt bad for her. She didn't have a choice in this, like me. Yet again, does anyone in arranged marriages have choices? Probably not. I was hesitant on giving her comfort but I eventually did it. She jumped and froze for a minute but she ended up crying in my shoulder.

"It's okay, I understand. I didn't have much a choice either, but it must be hard being Satan's daughter" I spoke softly

"It first, I thought he was caring for me only b-but *sniffs* I was wrong. He never cared and I should've known that" Y/n cried

I rubbed her back and did something that made us both shocked, I pressed my lips against her forehead...I know not the lips but I didn't want to do anything to get myself punched. Although I might still get punched for this but to my surprise she didn't. 

"I am not going to do anything *sniff* because I appreciate the comfort. *Laughs dryly* God these emotions really got a hold of me" She chuckled

~On Earth, LOV Base, 2:00 A.M.~
(Akiri's POV)

"Auntie Riti" I called out quietly

I opened the door and saw Auntie Toga and Auntie Ritika cuddling (A/n: Oh I made Ritika and Toga a couple). I got no answer and closed the door. I held the baby pink teddy bear that mommy got me and my lavender purple (You can change the colors to yours instead if you would like) close to my chest as I walked down the hall. I found myself in front of one door and opened it

"Uncle Shiggy" I called out

I knew Uncle Shiggy would be up because he spends his time playing video games. I know his quirk is dangerous if he touches something with all five fingers but now since mommy cut him gloves that are black with both the pointy and ring finger cut out and the other three are covered. When I didn't get an answer, I walked in and touched his leg softly making him jolt.


He looked down and sighed 

"Jesus kid, you may not be blood related but god your mother did that all the time" Uncle Shiggy replied

I giggled and I made grabby hands towards him. He let out a sigh and picked me up. 

"Sorry" I apologized

(Shigaraki's POV)

"Why are you up kid?" I asked

"I couldn't sleep...I had a dream about mommy" Akiri whimpered

I smirked but it faded when I saw she nuzzled into my chest, her head resting into my neck. 

"You need lotion Uncle Shiggy" She remarked

That remark hit a nerve but It made me upset cause I remember Y/n calling me that and she's gone and she had a very huge impact on all of us. I sighed and started running my fingers through her hair.

"Akiri, do you have your quirk?" I asked

She shook her head and I clicked my tongue, but it hit me. 

"Hey Akiri, can you please tell me the dream about your mom" I asked

She looked at me and nodded. 

"Well, it was in a place where there was fire everywhere and there stood mommy crying. Then the scene changed into this black castle with red cracks in it. There stood a red man that was very huge and tall, he had horns, sharp teeth and a tail that had a sharp end to it. Then next to him was a woman...Long black hair, purple eyes, pale skin and a slim body. She had a black dress on that touched the ground. There was this guy in the middle but he wasn't a guy...more of a non-human man-" Akiri began to explain

"A demon" I replied

She nodded and began to explain again.

"Then next to the demon was a 23 year old man. He had the same color black hair as daddy but it wasn't spikey, in fact it was (Okay I am bad at explaining his hair but if you know Hiro from Darling in the Franxx then you know what I am trying to explain and if not then I will give you a picture of the hair) smooth. (Explaining the dream again under the picture)


He had yellow eyes, he was wearing this fancy suit

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He had yellow eyes, he was wearing this fancy suit. Then a little girl, began throwing red and black flower petals down this red carpet, then two females. One had Shoulder length Dark purple hair and emerald green eyes and then the other had-" I cut her off

"I don't need details on what the people look like, I just want to know what happens" I snapped

Akiri let out a hmph and growled slightly.

"Do you want me to explain it or not?" She sassed

"Okay Okay" I gave in

She patted my chest with a victory smile on her face then frowned.

"Okay. So as I was saying..the other had long teal hair and a mix of ocean and icy colored eyes. they both were wearing the same black dress with rubies around the waist. Then came mommy. She was beautiful. Her hair was up in a bun, and her side bangs were curled. She didn't have a veil, but her dress was black and off the shoulder. Her leg was showing. She held a red and black bouquet, tears were streaming down her cheeks as she walked to the man with black hair. They were getting married. But what really woke me up was that mommy wasn't safe. After the marriage, mommy was getting beat and she was becoming weak. " Akiri finished explaining

My eyes twitched, and a low growl emitted through my throat, I got up with Akiri hoisted onto my hips. I walked into Ritika's room, Setting Akiri down and taking off my glove, I disintegrated the door. Putting on my glove again, I picked up the kid and walked into Ritika's room. Not giving a fuck, I pulled the covers off Ritika. Shaking her awake.

"Get up, Get Toga up. You two are watching Hiro and Akiri. And do not and I repeat DO NOT let them out of your sight" I warned

"Why what's going on?" Ritika asked

I looked at her after placing Akiri down. 

"Satan is arranging a marriage between Y/n and a dude. No it isn't Dabi. But no offense but I need my strongest down there including me to get Y/n the fuck out of there." I growled


Word Count: 1236

A/n: Damn, Started this at 3:25 A.M, and ended at 4:36 A.M. Still won't be able to sleep but that just means, I'll be working on chapters until my 2 year old brothers get up and then continue working on chapters until they wake up from their nap. Have a great day everyone :)

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