CH. 2 (Edited)

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~Later that Night~
(Y/n's POV)

"So Y/n, I thought that Mr. Handy Man was just joking when he said we were going to recruit a demon princess" Toga smiled

I looked at her, then I chuckled. Turning back around, finishing brushing my hair.

"Yeah" I spoke

"Hey Y/n...May I ask...What is it like to have the Lord of Hell as a father?" Toga nervously asked

I turned around, my hair whipped behind me. I stared at her and then looked down, feeling a single tear fall down my cheek.

"Well...when I was little he was caring...don't get me wrong he still is but he just got busy. He used to play around with me and when I hit the age of 10 he started training me because I was going to be "Queen" and I just never wanted to. And well my mother died...funny right? But she was Human and had to be on Earth." I spoke softly

I looked up and wiped the tear away. I sat on the bed and looked up.

"Although she had a baby with Satan, she went to Heaven because she repented and regretted it. So I never knew her...and I guess It is difficult to take care of me and run Hell at the same time so father had a demon babysit me and when father wasn't busy, me and him would spend a lot of time together. But although we knew we cared for each other we actually never used the L-word" I continued

Next thing I know, I felt arms wrapped around my waist and a head against my chest. Causing my breathing to hitch cause I never experienced a hug before. 

"Ahem, well this is uncomfortable for me *Chuckles nervously*" I stated

"Oh, I'm sorry" Toga apologized

"It's fine, anyway let's sleep" I stated

With that me and Toga both fell asleep. She offered the bed to me and she could sleep on the floor and although I refused she made me. 

~4 A.M. LOV Base~
(Dabi's POV)

 I woke up and I couldn't fall asleep so I left my room and headed to the bar to get a glass of water. When I got there I saw red hair and yellow eyes. 

"Hello Dabi" Y/n greeted

I chuckled and shook my head.

"I still can't get over the fact that you knew our names before we even told you" I chuckled

She shrugged her shoulders and took a drink of water and I grabbed a glass and filled it with water. I leaned against the counter blocking the path for Y/n to get out. Smirking at her.

"Would you move?!" Y/n groweld

"Hmm, Make me" I smirked

(Y/n's POV)

A low growl was coming out of my throat but then I decided to do something. I walked up to him, swaying my hips and I leaned towards him. My eyes met his, our noses touched, our lips inches apart. Then I closed the gap, I pulled away and chuckled.

"Thank you for moving" I winked

And with that I left the room, my hair swaying. I smirked in achievement as I always get my way. I entered Toga's room and closed the door. I came across the mirror and looked at myself, touching my lips gently. A light blush dusted on my face.

"What is this feeling? I never felt this before" I whispered

I normally can kiss people and not feel anything but kissing Dabi felt...wonderful. I went to the bathroom and splashed water on my face trying to get rid of the blush. I looked up and I saw a pair of red eyes in the background. I whipped around and looked at my father.

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