Ch. 10

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"Y/n, Ritika, come here please" Shigaraki ordered

I let go of Ritika and we both followed Shigaraki. He took us to a room that had filing cabinets galore. He opened one of the cabinets and pulled out four files, handing us each two. 

"These are the targets that need to be eliminated"Shigaraki stated

I opened one of my target files and my eyes lit up at one of them, A small fangy smirk escaped my lips. There was a picture of a woman with long brown hair and blue eyes. I licked my fangs as I thought about her dead body. 

"My father wouldn't be so pleased about this but I will kill my mother" My voice turned dark

My eyes sparked red but then I turned back to normal with a small smile plastered on my lips. I looked at my next file and there was another female, but her hair was short and was blue. Her eyes were brown. My smile grew even bigger as I read the name.

"Matsaki Likachi" I read out

"Awe man you got the two people who did the most wrong to you" Ritika pouted

I chuckled and shook my head. I peered over Ritika's shoulder to see what she got. I snickered as she got 2 strong Heroes.

"Why do I have to have strong people can I get new ones please" She whined

"no, you get what you get. besides, you will be working with Y/n as a team." Shigaraki stated

I nodded and I looked at him.

"When will we leave?" I asked

"In 2 days" He replied

With that we were dismissed, my mind racing with thoughts. Ritika placed a hand on my shoulder catching my attention. She gave me a goofy smile making me chuckle.

"Come on goof" I smirked

I felt like I was being watched but I ignored it. I was on my phone when I got a text message from an unknown number.

Unknown: I'm Watching you...Lucifer 

Y/n: I ain't afraid of you 

Unknown: You should be

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. 

"As if, I am not scared of anyone" I thought to myself

~2 Days Later, Tokyo~
(Y/n's POV)



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