Ch. 8

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~The Underworld, 3 weeks later~
(Y/n's POV)



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I sat on my throne, listening to complaints. I now know how my father feels, no wonder why he wants to resign from the throne. My finger softly tracing the top of the cup, I haven't been able to see Dabi in like 2 weeks because I was so busy. I was slowly gaining a strong headache because of all the complaints. I stood up and my eyes glowed red, my body heating up and black flames erupted from my body.

"SHUT UP!" I yelled

 Then everyone went silent, not a single word went out of anyone's lips. My eyes returned to yellow and the black flames died down but the torches were now ignited with black flames instead of red. 

"I-I need a minute" My voice spoke softly

I then left my throne and ran to my room writing a letter to my father. Tears blurred my vision as they fell down my cheeks.

**The Letter** 

Dear Father, 

I am returning home...and before you say "This is your home" it isn't anymore. Dabi is home, the League is home. I am resigning from the can crown someone else. I can't handle being queen, I can handle being a blood-thirsty killer but nothing more. I feel like I am gaining too humany emotions to be here. I belong on Earth not here. This will always be my home but Earth will be my home. Goodbye Father.


(A/N: Okay, I never wrote a letter before sooooo, It looks crappy)

"I need to see him" I spoke to myself

I then placed the letter on my bed and grabbed my tiara and placed it with the letter, luckily I left everything at the League. I ran out of my bedroom and to the portal which is deep in the castle. I made it to the portal that was deep in the castle. I wiped my tears and walked through it without a second thought. I thought about closing it but...I couldn't because Satan is still my father and I bet he would like to see me sometimes. I think my father closed the portal to the League so that sucked, I don't want to walk there but I have to..but I did it anyway. I walked through the alleyways, it was dark and rainy. The barely lit light posts barely lit the alleyways, the rain drops hitting the wet ground. But I didn't care, I just wanted to go home, where Dabi is. 

~The LOV Base~
(Toga's POV)

Me, Twice, Mr. Compress, and Spinner were playing a board game that we "Bought" aka stole from a store, while Dabi was sitting at the bar talking with the new girl. I bit my lip as I noticed the new girl was getting touchy with him. Just then the front door was kicked open and there was a woman. My smile widened as I knew who it was.

"BESTIE!" I squealed 

I ran over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist until I realized it made her uncomfortable so I let go. I let out a small apology but what surprised me was she pulled me into a hug. 

(Y/n's POV)

I let go of Toga when my eyes went to Dabi...but anger boiled up in me. A girl/woman who looked like the age of 23 was touching Dabi. My eyes glowed red as I walked towards her. My hand was wrapping her throat and I slammed her against the wall. 

"Well hello, Ritika Sakachi (I am making up names...the names I make up don't have a meaning). You miss me? *Licks fang*" I snarled

The pink hair, green eyed woman had fear in her eyes as she looked into mine. A hand touched my shoulder but I looked at him. I flinged him off of me, resulting in him getting knocked out from the impacts...yes I said impacts meaning he flew into like a bunch of walls in the league. My attention turned to Ritika. I bashed her head into the concrete wall really hard twice ending up getting blood all over myself, a creepy ass smile on my face. She tried hurting me so I could let her go but I didn't, in fact I was unaffected by attacks. 

"Y/N! LET HER GO" One of the league members go

I didn't listen.

(Shigaraki's POV)

"I had enough of this" I grumbled

But before I could step in, Dabi grabbed Y/n's waist which she was about to attack when he punched her. Everyone was Dead silent. Witnessing this. 

"Y/n this is enough, why don't you go where you belong?" Dabi snapped

That was when Y/n returned to normal, she shook her head. 

(Dabi's POV)

I watched as Y/n looked afraid of herself...which is weird. but I noticed tears were spilling down her face.

"I-I don't belong there, I don't belong anywhere. *looks at Ritika and whimpers* I'm sorry" Y/n softly spoke

Y/n then ran out of the league and I didn't follow...I wish I did though. Kurogiri attended to Ritika's head injury which was really bad. I walked off and I thought about what I told her. I bit my lip and then decided to go after her. 


Word Count: 959

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