Ch. 20

20 1 5

A/n: Okay so this Author is a dip shit and it took me to look back at a chapter where I mentioned  Ankoku's last name. T-T I have been spelling it as "Akoku" instead of "Ankoku" Please don't hate me.  

~LOV Base~

(Ritika's POV)

Akiri and Hiro were snuggled into my sides on the couch asleep. I noticed Akiri twisting and turning, her face held fear. And my assumption was correct when she shot up, tears spilling down her cheeks. Before I even asked anything the front door opened revealing Y/n. 

"MAMA!" Akiri and Hiro both cried 

"Y/n" I whimpered

(Y/n's POV)

I turned my head when I heard my name. A pink haired and green eyed woman jumped into my arms, wrapping her arms around my waist. My mind was blank. I don't remember her.

"W-Who are you? Where am I?" I asked

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"W-Who are you? Where am I?" I asked

The woman immediately pulled away from me, her eyes widened. 

(Ritika's POV)

"What do you mean Y/n/n? This is the League of Villains Remember? You're home" I claimed

She shook her head.

"I don't remember anything but my father and my home in Hell" Y/n replied

I looked at Toga my face had "Something is wrong" all over it. Toga nodded then Y/n fell to her knees, blood pouring out of her mouth.

"Y/N!" Me and Toga Shouted

"MOMMY" Akiri and Hiro Sobbed

Just then Kurogiri's portal opened, revealing Shigaraki, Spinner, Dabi, Twice, and Mr. Compress. Dabi noticed Y/n and ran to her. 

"Y/N! WAKE UP!" Dabi called out

(Dabi's POV)

I held Y/n close, her eyes were lifeless. This can't be real, We defeated Satan but in the end I lost Y/n all over again. 

"Dabi, let mamagiri (Get it? Because Kurogiri is like the mom) get her to the underground hospital" Kurogiri stated

I nodded and he warped me and Y/n there. I held her in bridal style, her eyes were lifeless but her skin tone had color to it, her lips had color to it. So she wasn't dead but I feel like she was on the brink of death. (A/n: Okay doctors names are being made meaning) I took her to the front desk and the receptionist's eyes widened and immediately took her back. I went to walk with them but I was stopped.

"Sir, you have to wait here. I'll let you know when it's time" The receptionist stated

I sighed and nodded. Sitting down in a chair. 

~3 hours later~
(Dabi's POV) 

It has been 3 hours and yet nothing. I took a 1 hour nap and I played on my phone for another hour and now I just lit my finger on fire, playing with the blue flame. Watching it dance around my fingers. I extinguished it as I was bored again. But as I was about to take another nap, the doctor called me back. Following him into the room where Y/n was. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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