Chapter Five

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    Just as the boys were about to set up camp, Kass spotted a light in the distance. "Jaksa, look at this! I think there's a fire!" he yelled. Jaksa looked at the light. It seemed to be getting closer, like it was moving toward them. He squinted. He swore it looked like a..

Then, a loud shout was heard, followed by a lot of footsteps. Jaksa and Kass looked around, panicked. Knights charged at them from all angles. There were about 8 of them, all pointing swords at them with shields up. Jaksa growled. They had been tricked using the oldest trick in the book, a diversion.

"Arms in the air, or we'll run you through!" a voice demanded, sounding fairly young. Kass quickly threw his hands above his head, but Jaksa only glared around. "I said, hands in the air! Last warning!" Jaksa whirled around to see who was commanding him in such a degrading tone, only to find a sword right in his face. Seeing the danger, he slowly lifted his hands lazaly above his shoulders. He looked the man up and down. The knight was covered in shiny iron armour with a long red cape. He had a proud smirk plastered on his face which made Jaksa even angrier. "You have a lot of nerve showing up in MY kingdom, I should kill you here and now." the knight claimed, not lowering the sword to show his face. "I could kill you with one hand tied." Jaksa hissed through his teeth. He heard a couple knights chuckle, but he never took his glare off the main aggressor. The man started to laugh obnoxiously, which made Jaksa growl under his breath and made his blood boil.

Kass looked scared out of his mind. His arms shook as he held them above his head. As Jaksa glanced around for a way out, he noticed how fancy all the knights looked. All of them had long red capes, apart from Jaksas aggressor, who had gold lining on his cape, and fluffy animal fur at the base. He also took note of the strange circle of gold on his head. It almost looked like a crown, but the man was far too young to be a king, he seemed younger than Jaksa himself. "You? A skinny homeless tramp? A thief, and a cowardly murderer like you could never take down a nobleman." he continued to laugh in Jaksas face.

"We could outrun a group of them though.." Jaksda muttered, and the man abruptly stopped. Jaksa thought about what the man said. Cowardly murderer. He had never killed anyone in his life, on purpose. However, he was about to kill the man in front of him with all the disrespect and anger possible. The man waved his sword around. "Run all you like, when it comes to a fight you stand no chance."

"Well, you don't exactly 'look fighting' fit yourself." Jaksa spoke evenly, now a smirk spreading across his scarred complexion. The man's face dropped. Now he looked annoyed.

"Arrest these criminals." he declared, folding his arms. Jaksa exposed his sharp teeth in a snarl as he tried to fight against the knights, but they were cornered. He soon had a rope around his wrists and neck with a cloth over his mouth. He could no longer struggle without being choked. He gave up fairly quickly, as did Kass. All the boys could do was watch as they were carried away without a clue where they were going.

By the time they had reached the gates of the woodland kingdom it was getting dark. As they were flanked through the town they got any angry looks, and various things thrown at them. Mainly sneers from people who knew they were most likely going to be executed. He notest a few people in ragged clothes bow to the man with the gold laced cape. Could he be royalty? It would explain the ring on his head, but he was sure prince Zander would look older and much more... professional. Jaksa was lost in thought, but snapped out of it when they entered the castle grounds. It was a large empty space with a few more knights patrolling around, and servants carrying bundles of clothing in rushed steps. The castle stood much taller up close, its stone bricks covered in moss and ivy clung to its side. It was magnificent, but somewhere in Jaksas mind he knew this is where he was going to die.

They marched through the castle grounds, past more servants who bowed as they hurried past. The inside of the castle was fairly boring, barely any decoration. If the castle itself looked awful, he dreaded what the dungeons looked like.

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