Chapter Six

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The next few hours were so boring. All Jaksa could do was sit on a cold floor with his legs chained to a wall. He still had a pocket knife, but it was slightly useless against metal bars.

The traveller let out a long sigh and hit his head against the wall. What now? He had run out of clever tricks. All hope has been lost, apart from the prince. However, Jaksa had little faith that he would actually get them out.

They were never going to get to the mountains now, not with so few days left. They were as good as dead.

He saw a light approaching him from down the hallway. Jaksa didn't bother getting up, it was probably just one of the guards. Although, he stood corrected when none other than prince Zander came into view through the bars. The prince started unlocking the cell and Jaksa got a surge of adrenaline. Was he breaking him out? Once the prince stepped in Jaksa spoke up. "Why are you here? To brag? To taunt?" Zander looked surprised for a moment before responding.

"No, I'm here to ask you a few more questions. Is that alright?" Jaksa just snorted in response. Of course he's not going to try and break him out. "So, where were you heading?" he asked. Jaksa stayed silent. Could he trust Zander? It didn't really matter, they were going to die anyway. "We were heading to the mountains, to live a better life, to start over, ya know.." Jaksa explained. "...You ruined that." Jaksa spoke calmly, but Zander could see the longingness in his eyes.

The prince continued to ask irrelevant questions which Jaksa gave short answers to. Eventually Zander gave up. He turned to leave but before he left, Jaksa called out. "Wait!" Zander looked at him through the dim light. "Are we going to die? Me and Kass?" he asked in a hushed tone. Zander said nothing. Pity took over him and he panicked, not knowing what to say. "I-er-no? No! Uh, you won't die, my fathers, um, kind, he'll let you off lightly i'm sure..." the prince stuttered. Jaksa raised a brow.

"Well I'm convinced." he remarked sarcastically. The prince huffed. "Ill... ill try talking to him, i promise." He declared and walked off. Jaksa was alone once more.

As Zander walked out of the dungeons he couldn't help but mentally slap himself. Why was he being so strange? He couldn't even make a good excuse! Normally he'd sentence a prisoner to death with ease, that wasn't easy! He took one look at his scarred, miserable face and couldn't help feeling nothing but sympathy for him. He was so lost in thought he didn't notice his younger brother run up to him. "Zandieeeee." he whined. "When can I train with the big boys!" he looked up at Zander, his white hair falling in all directions. Zander sighed. "Thomas, one: you're too young. Two: we have two new prisoners that are due to be executed. '' he announced. Thomas nodded. " I hate it when our father kills people, it's scary.." he shivers. The king had forced the young boy to multiple executions before. It was terribly unfair. Zander patted him on the head and began walking to his fathers chambers. "I'll talk to him."

He knocked on a large oak door and opened it when his father answered "come in."

"Father, I think you would reconsider the execution of Jaksa and Kass." he started, choosing his words carefully. The king snapped hisnattention towards his son, anger flaring in his eyes. "I mean.. I believe that they have potential to heal and become better." he quickly explained, not wanting another lecture from the king. The king shook his head in dismissal, refusing to even listen. "No, I've made my decision. They will be hung in the early morning. No need to call the court. Get out." Zander hovered by his father for a moment, processing the dismissal. Then left his chambers, slamming the door behind him.

Now, he would have to break the news to Jaksa and Kass. He promised Jaksa he would get him out, now he would have to see him hung. His first friend, now his enemy. He paused at the door, then sighed. "I won't say anything, they'll find out tomorrow.." he whispered to himself. Zander clenched his fist as he walked away. He couldn't watch his old friend die for his poor lifestyle, but what else could he do?

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