Chapter Nine

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After 2 months Zander finally started to speak to his father again. He was still unsure how to act around him, it was awkward to say the least. Jaksa was always there when they spoke, in case something broke out and he needed to step in. Zander noticed how nervous and uncomfortable the king looked when Jaksa was there, then realised the glare Jaksa held whenever looking at the king. He found it funny, but had to remind his knight that it was still the king, and he still needed to show some respect in case the king retaliated. He doubted it though, after Jaksa and Kass's great escape.

Speaking of Kass, Jaksa was seeing less and less of him as the days got warmer. He was always out in the garden, sword fighting, running around or having picnics with Thomas. He didn't mind it, but he was slightly worried Kass would forget about him sometimes.

It seemed to be getting to a form of normal, until...

"Zander, you remember Savia don't you? She will be arriving with her parents tomorrow." the king says as he spots Zander walking the halls, though the king looked uncomfortable.

"Oh, for a visit?" Zander asks. The king smiles, but the prince could tell he wasn't being friendly. Whatever he was going to say, Zander wouldn't like it.

"Uhhh, you could say that I suppose." Zander caught on fairly quickly.

"Ohhh no no no no no!" Zander started walking out, shaking his hands above his head. "Absolutely not! I cant believe youd even consider that!" he shouted as he slammed the door shut. However, everything had already been arranged. No amount of protest could change the king's mind. The king watched Zander go and sighed. "Stars give me strength."

Meanwhile in Zander's room, he was angrily throwing clothes around while Jaksa sat on his bed, bored. "I can't believe him! He thinks I could marry some... snobby princess! Just because... because... I don't even know?! An alliance?! Ughhh this is so stupid!" he rants. Zander picks up a cup and throws it at Jaksa. He catches it and calmly puts it down on the desk. "You finished?" Jaksa asked. Zander flops face first onto the bed.

"Mhmmm" the prince moans into the sheets.

"Finally. Well while you were screaming about how much you hate daddy, I came up with a great idea... possibly dangerous." he says proudly. Zander looks up, lifting his face off the bed. "Your ideas are never great, only dangerous."

"Listen! To get the marriage cancelled, you would have to do something that really grosses out the princess." Zander sat up eagerly. "Go on."

The next day the whole palace was busy for the arrival of the princess. The king was pacing the throne hall. He wasn't sure how it was going to go, and he hadn't seen his son all day.

The prince in question was hiding in his room. Jaksa had just got off training and the two were sitting in the prince's chambers. They weren't nervous at all. Zander was looking at his wardrobe, deciding what to wear. "This is stupid," he says pulling an outfit out, "why do i have to wear this stupid stuff." he growled. Jaksa chuckled while adjusting his own outfit.

"I think it's quite nice, considering I've been wearing rags most of my life." Zander glanced back at Jaksa. He had a baby blue shirt with black pants and a black tie. The prince thought he looked quite handsome. He stuck his tongue out at the knight in protest, so Jaksa, the mature man he was, threw a pillow at him. Zander snorted and turned around to face the mirror, which was pushed up against the closet door. "Can't wait for the look on Savia's face at the end of today," he remarked.

"Yeah, and your fathers!" Jaksa added. The two laughed just thinking about it.

Princess Savia and her family arrived as planned, in a big fancy carriage at first light. Zander sat at his throne next to his father. A red cape with a woolly hood decorating his shoulders and a golden crown upon his head. Jaksa stood close behind protectively, a sword in his belt in case things went south.

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