Chapter Twenty Two

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Zander looked around. He saw many bodies, but noticed most of them were from the opposing team. He grinned slightly and called to Jaksa. "We can win this! Drive them out now!" Jaksa nodded in understanding. The two split up again, continuing their fight.

A roar broke the sound of battle. The noise was so loud it made the group beneath their feet tremble. It made every soldier pause and look to the sky, the cries of war erupted. Up in the clouds, a large shape flew its way down. "Endire!" Sasha and Jaksa cheered. Screams broke out once more as fire rained down on the soldiers, burning them in their armour. Endire had set fire to the field in various places, making the fight far more intense. The opposite team now stood no chance as the king of Hogsweld glared up at the dragon. "This is no longer a fair fight!" he roars, searching the crowd for the prince.

The sun had begun to set. The battle had been going on for over a day, and the opposing team slowly began to retreat back to their ships. Pride shot through the prince as he watched them flee, then a call made his heart sink. "Call off the beast, or the thief gets run through!" Several soldiers were holding Jaksa tightly, holding him upright as the tip of a sword was placed firmly against his spine.

"You think the prince cares for him? He's just a serving boy!" Sasha yelled, hoping that the soldiers would believe her. Something in Jaksas eyes changed. Fear? Hope? Betrayal? He would never know. Zander stared at them for a moment, weighting out his options.

"You have already lost. No more blood needs to be shed tonight." he tried to reason. The soldiers looked at one another, contemplating what to do, but as the King suddenly charged at them, the one holding the sword thrust it forward. Zander would never forget seeing how the sword protruded from his chest. He would never forget the look on Jaksas face. It seemed hurt, but at the same time thankful. Jaksa had always been so confusing when it came to emotion. The king slashed his sword at the closest soldier, other knights following him as they chased the last remaining soldiers away towards their ships.

 Zander couldn't hear anything though. He couldn't even hear himself scream, or notice the tears that ran hot and heavy down his bloody face. He grabbed him before he fell to the floor, dragging his head and shoulders onto his lap. He looked down at the knight. Once his target, then his bodyguard and knight, to his best friend, to his lover. "Please, just hang on Jakks..." he whimpered, knowing full well that it was over. "Please." he repeated, holding him close.

Jaksa reached a shaky hand to Zanders cheek, then pulled him down for one last final kiss. Zander felt the moment his soul left his body. Felt when his lips relaxed. Felt the moment his hand released his cheek. Zander quickly latched onto his hand, not wanting to see it hit the floor. He held it to his cheek, his tears soaking the knight's blood stained shirt. Zander still wanted to believe. He wanted to see his eyes open, hear his voice, see that annoying grin that he learned to adore. He felt the soldier's skin grow cold. Saw the colour drain from his face. The sky opened up, and it began to rain. It was all over.

"I'm so sorry Jakks...I love you so, so much." he sobbed, hugging him closer.He felt a presence behind him. Sasha had a sorrowful look on her face, tears also falling slowly down her face.

"We have to go." she choked out, placing her hand on Zanders shoulder.

"No! I'm not leaving him!" he screamed, holding onto the dead knight tighter.

"Sire, we have to leave. Endire is going to cleanse the field, burn the bodies." she urged.

"No! You can't take him!" he wailed.

"Zander, he's dead!" she snapped, her own tears falling heavier now.

"No!" He hated the way he cried, but at that moment, he just didn't care. A warning roar sounded from Endire. "Zander, we have to go, now!" she demanded, pulling the prince away from Jaksas corpse. "No, no! Let me stay with him, please!" He kicked and punched but Sasha was stronger, continuing to drag him away as Endire began to set the field aflame. 

As the two began to walk back to the horses, a yell stopped them. Zander turned, his face void of emotion. He was so tired, and felt as if he himself had been stabbed through the heart. Endire was carrying Jaksas body carefully on her wing. "I thought you may have wanted to bury him yourself." she said softly. 

Sasha frowned, glancing over to Zander. He took one look at the knight's pale face, covered in soot and ash, still half expecting him to wake up. He broke down and began to wail once more.

Once back at the castle, the prince carried Jaksas corpse through the castle and to his chambers. He laid him on the bed, like he had once done before. He took his hand, brushing his fingers over his knuckles. 

He stared at the knight's face, feeling a void open up in his chest. He had been through this before. He had laid his lifeless body on the bed and waited for him to wake up. It was different this time, as he knew that there was no chance that he would awaken. He knelt beside the bed and preyed. He didn't pray often, but he felt it was necessary on this occasion.

Jaksas body was buried just outside the castle. He had ordered a statue to be made of him and placed right above his grave, to make sure no one ever forgot his sacrifice.

The prince spent so much time sitting by it, talking to it as if he was really there. And he was. His body may have been gone, but his spirit remained. Jaksas spirit protected him even after death when Zander had made the decision to leave the forest kingdom behind, setting off to live with his mother in the mountains.

The ghost stands by his side and listens to every story. Every i love you. Every rant. And this ghost is still as in love with him as I've always been.

I can't wait to see you again, King Zander.  


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