Chapter Eleven

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During the winter season it was normal for towns to have sickness spread throughout. mainly a common cold. However, this winter was different. This "common cold" was much worse and seemed to last longer, while the symptoms were more severe. more younger and elderly people were dying from it, even the king had caught it for a short period of time which caused concern to spread out throughout the kingdom. After just a few weeks the medics were able to get rid of it but unfortunately that isn't the case for everyone.

Zander had just come back from a hunting trip with Jaksa, sir Otto and sir Gwain when Sophia rushed towards them. "Sire, the court physician requires you in his chambers immediately. The young prince has fallen ill!" she says out of breath. Zander begins to panic as he rushes through the castle towards the physicians Chambers. he sees Jaksa chatting with sir Owen and calls him over. "Thomas has caught the sickness!"he shouts. Jaksa raised his eyebrows in question "Okay, why the panic? I'm sure the physician can just cure him like he did with your father, no?" Zander sighed in frustration.

"Okay, I'm not supposed to tell you this but Thomas has a weak immune system, he prefers to keep it a secret because he's embarrassed of it, but I am far more worried that he could die from this...'' the prince mumbles. Jaksa's face twists with sympathy as he follows Zander down the hall towards the physician's chambers.

They reached the chambers and the whole place was bustling with worry for the young prince. Rumours were spread and people were starting to lose hope that he would survive. Prince Thomas lay in bed with the king and Kass at his side. The Prince's breathing was horse and shallow, like he had something stuck in his throat. The court physician was mixing some sort of herbs in a wooden bowl. "How is he?" Zander asks

"Not good." the king replied flatly. "Nothing has worked yet..." he looks down at his son " I can't bear another loss" tears threatened to fall from Kasses eyes as he looks at the physician. "Please, there must be something, anything that can be done!" he pleads. The physician does not look at him. "There is something," he starts, "but it's far too dangerous. we have to just keep trying the herbs."

"The herbs don't work! Please..." The king begged. The physician pursed his lips in thought.

"You wont like this. Beyond the valley of Mushrooms, there is a bush of rare flowers. I used it to cure the king, however it was a three day trip. I don't think the young prince has three days..." his voice trailed off as he looked at Thomas's still body. His face was pale, and if his chest wasn't heaving he would have looked dead. "Is there a faster way?" Zander asks with pleading eyes. The physician sighs.

"Yes. to go through the valley of mushrooms, but if stepped on they-"

"Sounds like fun." Jaksa cuts him off, snapping his fingers as he begins to walk out the door. Zander hurried after him."I'll go with you!" the king stepped in front of him.

"It's better if he goes. I can't risk losing another son." he pleads.

"I will not stand by and watch my only brother die." Zander says quietly, anger lacing his voice. He snatched his arm away from the king and scrambled after the knight. Zander follows Jaksa into his chambers, grabbing a bag to help him pack. Jaksa turned to look at him. "I can't let you-"

"That wasn't a question."

"But the king-"

"Don't argue with your boss." Zander folded his arms and smirked, standing on his tiptoes to look down at Jaksa. The knight fumbles for words for a moment, then sighs and smiles. "Okay fine, die, see if I care."

"I won't die, that's why you're going to be there."

"Shut up." 

With the help of Sophia, the two started their journey towards the valley of mushrooms. 

The weather seemed to be on their side, it was warm and sunny, with the birds chirping in the trees over head. It felt strange for Zander to be alone with his "protector." It was almost awkward. Jaksa rode along side him on his horse, his gaze focused on the trees ahead. Jaksa snuck a glance over to the prince. His light brown hair had gotten longer, falling over his pretty hazel eyes. For once, he didn't wear his crown, a detail Jaksa had noticed was he often wore the ring of gold when they went out on missions. 

''You're staring." The prince said flatly, still looking ahead. Jaksa quickly looked away and mumbled an awkward apology while Zander chuckled. "I would imagine this is strange for you, being without Kass and the other knights?" He sympathised. Jaksa hummed. 

"Don't act like you're doing alright." He responded quietly. "I can tell you're worrying for Thomas." 

Zanders smile quietly faded. "It's a lot of pressure, yes, but at least I have you." 

Jaksa smiles weakly in response. 

It was quiet for the rest of the journey, the sound of the horses hooves crunching against the dry leaves on the ground while a cold breeze ruffled their tails. 

The trees started to thin and the scent of mushroom hung heavy in the air. They were getting close. Soon the valley of mushrooms was in sight, and both men were left breathless. Neither than seen it before, but it was even greater then they had ever imagined. Mushrooms of all colours and shapes for as far as the eye could see, and right in the middle of the valley was the rare plant that they needed. Jaksa frowned. "This is going to be a nightmare..." he murmured. Zander huffed. 

"How bad can it be? We just avoid touching the things and-" his words were cut off as Jaksa grabbed his chin roughly, making him turn his head to view the skeletons in armour that were spread across the valley, the mushrooms growing out of them like daggers. Zander gulped, sliding off his horse to face the beginning of the valley. "That's what we need." Zander tried to sound confident as he pointed to the plant in the middle of the valley, but his shaking hand gave away how nervous he truly felt. The large plant, almost 6 feet tall. It was a dark shade of blue and it's fine was a dark, sickly green that had spikes coming from it like rose thorns. It seemed completely out of place compared to the brightly coloured mushrooms that surrounded it. Zander was about to step forward but Jaksa grabbed him by the hood, pulling him back. "Hold on you idiot! The physician told us to be careful. Didn't you see the dead guys?" He hissed. Zander groaned dramatically. 

"Then how in the stars can we get it?" Jaksa shrugged, pouting his bottom lip. 

"S'pose we just ask it nicely?" He sneered. Zander rolled his eyes, stepping closer to the beginning of it again. "I guess I just..." his voice trailed off as he stepped his foot down carefully to avoid touching the mushrooms. Jaksa held his breath, wincing, but nothing happened. Both men let out a sigh of relief. 

"See? It's fine..." he huffs, stepping his other foot further. Jaksa frowned, but followed in his footsteps anyway. 

"I got a bad feeling bout this..." he glared at Zander through his eye brows. 

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