Chapter Seventeen

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*Young Jaksa crouched on the dirt against a tree, clutching his bleeding nose. He had been attacked by a group of bounty hunters. He managed to escape but did get slashed across the nose. He heard the leaves behind him shuffle and he whirled around, pointing his sword towards the noise. A girl, the same age as him, came forward with her hands up in surrender. Her clothes were tattered and ripped, and her face smeared with dirt. She crept towards him and spoke up.

"I'm not going to hurt you..." she promised. "I have bandages, let me help?"

Jaksa slowly lowers his weapon, looking at her suspiciously. "I'm Sasha." she smiles.

"Im Jaksa.." he whispered, as if still afraid the bounty hunters will come back.*


"So, you're the leader here or something?" jaksa asked her, curious of where she had been all these years. Sasha laughed.

"Ha! I suppose. I'm the lead swords woman, but what about you?! Last I saw of your face was on paper, and now you're... what? The royal bodyguard?" She paused, then leaned forward to whisper to him. "Does he know you're a criminal?"

Jaksa chuckled. "Yeah, the princess failed to kill me so decided he wanted my protection instead." he sneered. Sasha looked shocked that he had spoken about a royal that way. Zander stepped in at last. "Actually, my father wanted to- are you mocking me?" he asked, offended as he noticed Jaksa making a hand motion to mock him speaking.

" 'course not sire." he rolled his eyes. Zander opened his mouth to snap back but Sasha interrupted him.

"Well! Lets give you lot a tour, ay?"

After a short tour around the city Sasha began to lead the four to the castle. Before they stepped through the doors Endire put her wing in between the princess and Jaksa and Kass. "the queen requested to see the princes first. You two will be called in a moment." she explained. Zander looked at Jaksa with a worried look. The knight smiled in encouragement. He watched as the two princes were escorted into the castle.

Zander and Thomas walked into where the queen sat, on a throne made of gold. The room was large, with stained glass windows depicting pictures of dragons and other beasts. Endire sat at the edge of the room, nodding her head towards where the queen was sitting. She had long, straight brown hair, a similar colour to Zanders. She wore a large pointed hat that was angled downward and covering her face. As soon as the boys walked in she stood up, hurrying forward to greet them. A long black cape flowing behind her as she walked. "I was hoping you'd come sooner, but youre here now." she began, a smile on her face. Her tone was gentle and motherly. "I appreciate your fathers... idea. I'm afraid you are not here to help." she continued, the sentence not sounding right to Zander. He puts his hand on the hilt of his sword on instinct. "Oh, there's no need for that." she chuckled lightly, flicking her wrist. The sword suddenly disappeared from his side. Zander looked up at her in fear.

"Uh, why are we here then, mam?" he asked, trying to sound as polite as possible. The queen smiled, tilting her hat up. Zander looked at her face for a moment, examining her features. She looked somewhat familiar. Thomas frowned, going to hide behind Zander slightly, fearing what she wanted with them. Zanders' eyes widened with sudden realisation.

The queen looked down at them, tears welling in her eyes as she smiled. "It's good to see you again, my sons."

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