Izack Tago- Fake Friend

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Sitting at my desk answering email's I got a message from my best friend telling me to come over to meet her boyfriend she had been dating this boy for 2 month's an she was head over heel's I told my other best friend Izack an he stayed quiet whic...

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Sitting at my desk answering email's I got a message from my best friend telling me to come over to meet her boyfriend she had been dating this boy for 2 month's an she was head over heel's I told my other best friend Izack an he stayed quiet which I don't know why but I don't care.

So I got changed walked out to my car hopped in an drove to my friend's house. Pulling into her driveway I saw a car I recognized but then everyone drive's the same car's everyday so that thought went through my head.

Walking to the front door I knocked an it soon opened to my best friend Hey Y/n come on in are you excited -She said Yeh where is he -I said On the couch -She said.

Taking my shoe's off I hugged My friend an walked to the living room to see Izack Where is he -I said I'm dating Izack Y/n -She said Fuck you -I said crying an putting my shoes on Y/n wait -Izack said.

Jayla you knew I fucking liked him actually loved him an you were jealous so you went an took him from me Fuck you -I said slapping her an running to my car.

Hopping in I drove back to my house while crying not the safest but who give's a fuck. Arriving home I pulled my car in the garage an got out shutting the door I walked into my house.

Grabbing a blanket, a bottle of vodka, my dog an some snack's I turned my Tv on an put RomCom's on to cry to.

Izack's POV
Hearing what Y/n said then her running out an crying broke my heart Why the fuck would you do that -I yelled at Jayla What she get's what she want's all the time so I took you from her -Jayla said.

No she lost her whole family an was abused by her ex boyfriend then got in a car crash which made her end in a coma she's had cancer then she's diabetic so no she doesn't get what she want's she has no one except us well now just me so fuck you were done an I never loved you that's why I never told you so fuck off delete our number's an go be a lying bitch to someone else -I yelled at her.

Walking to my car I drove to Y/n's house prepared for the worst.

Y/n's POV
A knock came from my front door I groaned if it's Jayla I'm punching her I thought so I sat up an walked to my front door not even checking if I looked fine.

Opening I saw Izack he stepped forward an kissed me I kissed back as we pulled apart I'm so sorry Y/n -He said Come in -I said as he walked in to the house an I walked to the lounge an sat down as he sat next to me.

So you start -He said Ok well I started liking you probably 4 year's ago an I told her that an she was like you guy's would be perfect then you got ur girlfriend who cheated that was your last girlfriend then I started to get closer to help you an she also did to which I was very cautious about then she tell's me she met a guy which was you an yeh I am pissed -I said.

Well after you left she said that you got everything handed to you so I went off at her an told her to fuck off an get rid of our contact information -He said Wow so I only have you that's fine -I said.

Exactly an I want to be with you Y/n cause I've loved you to for long but then she came along an I was like I'll try to move on which I couldn't so I want you Y/n an I'll never leave you -He said.

I jumped in his arm's an kissed him he kissed me back an laid me down Maybe not in front of my poor dog -I said which he laughed at an stood up.

Standing up Jump -He said as I jumped in his arm's an he walked us to my bedroom shutting the door he laid me on my bed an kissed me I kissed back an we got into a wild night.

The End.

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