(REQUESTED)- Mitchell Moses

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Requested By: Posslee

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Requested By: Posslee

Sitting at the dining table scrolling through my Email's I see one from my Manager it say's I'm a interviewer at the State Of Origin Game 2 tonight.

I agreed even though the game was tonight at 8pm I had to book a flight which I got to right away Mitchell didn't know an I was missing him so much he had been away for camp for 2 week's now an I wasn't doing well without his cuddle's an kisses an him in the same bed as me but I hope tonight I get him back.

My flight was booked an I had to get a move on soon as it was 4 an my flight was at 5:30 I packed a backpack an grabbed my car key's.

Getting in my car I drove out of the garage an got on the road my phone started to ring it was Mitchell I answered Hello -I said Hi darling are you driving -He said Yeh just to home -I said Oh did you have a shoot today -He said Yeh I have to post...

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Getting in my car I drove out of the garage an got on the road my phone started to ring it was Mitchell I answered Hello -I said Hi darling are you driving -He said Yeh just to home -I said Oh did you have a shoot today -He said Yeh I have to post it actually -I said Or you could send it to your lovely husband -He said.

Yeh I could but I could also make it a surprise -I said hopping on the highway You would do that to me -He said Mhm yeh -I said Rude -He said Dont worry I'll alway's send them to you first -I said I knew it darling you can't resist me -He said Well I have for the past 2 week's -I said.

I know but I'll be back in your arm's in our warm bed tomorrow -He said as I turned into the Airport Yep an I'm counting down the hour's -I said Me to bub -He said.

Ok well I've just reached home -I said Alright babe I miss you -He said as I parked the car an got out I miss you to Mitch when I see you I'm gonna give you a huge kiss -I said He laughed Oh trust me darling I will be doing alot more -He said.

I laughed as I got my backpack out an put it on my back An I will allow it -I said I know but I'll let you go now I love you -He said I love you to Mitch -I said.

Walking into the Airport I put my luggage through security an got it back I walked to my gate an found it boarding I scanned my ticket an walked on.

Finding my seat I sat down an played my phone. The plane landed an I stood up while grabbing my backpack an got off the flight. It was now 6:45pm an I had to go to the Nrl hotel they were staying at as I had asked Cameron Murray what room Mitchell was staying in.

I had got out of the cab an thanked the driver walking in the receptionist came to me Hi are you Y/n Moses -He asked Yes -I said confused Oh sorry Cameron Murray told us you were going to be staying with your husband an your an interviewer for tonight's game an we let Michael know -He said Oh thank you -I said.

They gave me a key an I went to the room putting the keycard in I walked in an saw a picture on the bedside table I walked over an took it.

It was me asleep in bed I did not know he had the picture of me I laughed an placed it back down.

After getting ready I curled my hair an put my shoe's on walking out of the room I shut the door an walked out of the hotel

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After getting ready I curled my hair an put my shoe's on walking out of the room I shut the door an walked out of the hotel. Calling an uber I got in an we got on our way to the game.

Getting out of the car the driver drove off an I scanned my pass an walked in seeing a security guard he walked over an told me where to go.

I made it to the field an walked to where I had to go "Hi Y/n your on halftime interview's an also in the shed's so you'll go to the winning side's shed's an your on Nsw side for the mid game interview's" -Background person said Ok thank you -I said smiling.

Sitting down in the interviewer's section I watched as the boy's ran on I saw Mitchell an had a massive smile on my face The game started an I was watching Mitchell only an we were winning by 34 point's to 0.

Mitchell had done amazing in first half I walked down an onto the field an made my way to Zac Lomax.

Zac great half for you 2 try's how are you feeling -I said "I'm feeling amazing an happy that the blue's are leading" -He said Well congrat's on the first half I'm rooting for you guy's but now I should go an surprise my husband -I said "He's right over their" -He said pointing at Mitch I nodded an thanked him.

Walking over to Mitch I tapped him on the back as he turned around, he gasped an hugged me Baby your here -He said Yes an I'm your interviewer so stay calm please -I said I'll try to -He said.

Mitchell you did amazing on the first half how do you feel about Nsw beating Qld -I said I feel amazing great game so far the team are doing good an how are you baby -He said Shut up -I said as he laughed Alright were good -Camera man said, I passed the microphone's to him.

We walked off the field an into the tunnel's Mitchell wrapped his arm's around me an kissed me I kissed back Mhm have I missed your lip's -He said I laughed I don't want to get in trouble with Michael so get your butt in your shed an I'll see you after the game then you can kiss me as much as you want -I said.

He nodded an pecked my lip's I love you beautiful -He said Love you to Mitch -I said as he walked away I smiled as I walked back to the interviewer section.

The game had finished an I was back on the mic I wasn't doing the field I was just gonna go straight to the shed's. Walking into the Nsw Shed I saw Brian To'o Hey Brian -I said.

Hello Y/n -He said How was scoring 2 try's for NSW -I said Amazing great for the team an the state the fan's were amazing an I loved that I could pitch in with the try's -He said You did amazing -I said Thank you but your man is eyeing you -He said He can wait -I said as I watched Mitchell stand up.

The camera's turned off an I made my way to Mitchell he opened his arm's an I sat on his lap his arm's going around me. So when did you arrive -He said 6:45 -I said Really were did you get changed -He said In your room an nice photo of me sleeping -I said He laughed.

I rested my head on his shoulder he kissed my neck as I closed my eye's, feeling myself get picked up I realised Mitchell had picked me up I'm sorry -I said in his ear Why you sorry baby -He said For making you carry me cause I'm tired you should be drinking -I said.

Darling I haven't had you in my arm's for 2 week's straight I want this bub now you close your eye's cause I know you've been working hard -He said I pulled out of his neck an kissed him he kissed back.

I love you Mitchell I'll never leave you -I said I love you to my sweetgirl -He said. I soon fell asleep back on his shoulder as I felt him carry me onto the bus an into the hotel.

Baby you got to get changed -He said Mhm -I said opening my eye's an seeing he was holding my Pj's. I took my jumpsuit off an slid them on laying down Mitchell hopped in beside me an I laid in his arm's.

The End.

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