(SMUT)Jordan Riki- Surprising him at a game

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Landing in Brisbane I got off the plane an went through security

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Landing in Brisbane I got off the plane an went through security. I had just been on a trip to my parent's house in NSW for a week I had told Jordan that I couldn't make it to the game against Raiders Round 7 because I was gonna stay with my parent's for another week.

But oh how that was a lie Today was the game an I decided to stay away from studying as I was working in the fashion district so I am coming to the game to support him.

I got a taxi back to the house. Arriving I thanked the driver an got out of the car. Unlocking the front door I walked in an put my backpack down.

Going into the bedroom I fell onto the bed the game started at 8 an it was only 12pm. Hearing the front door open I gasped dropping onto the ground I rolled under the bed.

Jordan entered the room So when does she come back -Patty said Uhm I think next week she couldn't come today as she wanted more time with her parent's totally understand -Jordan said I smiled an ducked my head out.

Patty turned an saw me I put a finger to my lip's Shh -I said Oh my god your Surprising him -He whispered Yeh I need you to take him so I can drive with him home -I said That was the plan -He said I put my fist out but the bathroom door opened an I quickly put my hand in.

Who were you talking to -Jordan said Oh my phone rang -Patrick said Oh ok -Jordan said You ready -Patty said Yeh let's go -Jordan said.

Go meet me in the car I need to use your toilet -Patty said Go ahead -Jordan said I got out from under the bed You left your bag out their -Patty said walking in Oh thank you -I said No problem see you at the game -He said Yep -I said.

It was time to leave I had just been laying in the bath an napping so I was pumped. After I changed I did my hair an left the bedroom.

Leaving the house I opened the garage to see my baby my beautiful car that I worked hard on getting

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Leaving the house I opened the garage to see my baby my beautiful car that I worked hard on getting.

Hopping in I missed you Stormie -I said patting the dashboard turning the car on I reversed out of the garage an played my music loud an drove to the stadium

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Hopping in I missed you Stormie -I said patting the dashboard turning the car on I reversed out of the garage an played my music loud an drove to the stadium.

Arriving I parked my car an got out locking the car I walked into the stadium an found my seat. Sitting down the person next to me passed me a poncho Thank you -I said "No problem it's meant to be heavy rain" -She said Ok -I said smiling as I slipped it over my head.

I texted Patrick if I could come into the shed's after the game an surprise Jordan he said yes an that Kevin had told the security guard's by the door's to let me in.

The game started an was going good as well as the rain it was pouring. I watched as the ball was passed to Jordan I stood up an watched him go over the try line jumping up an down I cheered.

All the boy's took a break while Reece was setting up the conversion the camera came onto me an I smiled an waved as they got Jordan's reaction He smiled an blew a kiss.

Soon the game finished an I quickly made my way to the shed's as the team left the field, the guard's let me in an I walked in as the team did the team song everyone dispersed an I made my way to Jordan.

He turned around an saw me I smiled as I ran into his arm's he spun us around Your here baby -He said Yep -I said Even though it's been a week I missed you like crazy -He said I missed you to Jordy -I said kissing him he kissed back an pushed me against his locker.

Wait till were home -I said Let's go now -He said I laughed Wait really -I said He picked me up over his shoulder an grabbed his stuff walking out everyone laughed an waved.

I waved back as well as smacking Jordan's ass he saw my car an plopped me down You driving -I said Yep -He said as I got in the passenger.

We arrived home an got out of the car I shut the garage an entered the house. Walking into the bedroom I laid on the bed.

Jordan soon entered He took his shirt off an climbed on top of me So when did you arrive -He said Well I arrived an then you came home so the person that Patty was talking to was me I was under the bed -I said.

He looked shocked That was you -He said Yeh under this bed watched you say you didn't mind me staying another week with my parent's an then took your shirt off Trust me I had a show -I said He laughed.

Well let me give you a better show -He said taking my shirt an jacket off He took my bra off an chucked it. Kissing my neck to my boob's he sucked an made hickey's on my nipple's, my hand's went to his hair.

He made his way to my pant's an took them off leaning down he kissed my hip bone an took my undies off. He stood up an took his pant's off.

Climbing on me he stuck in me an I moaned out Yes Jordan -I let out I missed your pussy baby -He said kissing me I kissed back an groaned as he went faster.

Feeling myself cum Oh my god -I let out as my body shaked Jordan came straight after an kissed my head as he laid beside me That was good baby -He said Mhm -I let out as I cuddled into his chest.

The End.

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