(REQUESTED)(SMUT)- Will Penisini

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Requested By: @Qzr3vs

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Requested By: @Qzr3vs

My alarm blaring in my ear, waking me abruptly I turned it off an groaned Morning baby -Will said from behind me I rolled over Morning -I said laying my head on his chest.

I think it's time we get up -He said Or we could stay in bed an cuddle -I said See baby I would love that but you need to go cut hair an I need to go train -He said kissing me.

Getting out of bed we made the bed together an went into the bathroom I took my clothes off an had a shower while Will did his skincare he loved it so much.

Walking out of the shower I wrapped my towel around my body an walked to the sink grabbing my toothbrush an toothpaste.

Walking out of the shower I wrapped my towel around my body an walked to the sink grabbing my toothbrush an toothpaste

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We both brushed our teeth an spat everything out. I got changed as did Will zipping up my jumpsuit I tied my shoe's an put my hair in a ponytail.

Breakfast is ready baby -Will called out Ok -I said walking out to the kitchen. We sat at the dining table an ate our Avocado Toast. Is it late training or early -I said.

Early -He said So you will be home when I am -I said Probably before -He said Oh yeh -I said realising what time I finish which was 5pm.

I stood up from the table an grabbed his plate an mine. Placing them in the dishwasher I grabbed my lunch bag an water bottle as well as my car key's.

Alright bye babe -I said putting my arm's around his shoulder's Bye baby -He said tilting his head an kissing me I kissed back I love you -I said Love you to babe -He said watching me as I leave out the front door.

Alright bye babe -I said putting my arm's around his shoulder's Bye baby -He said tilting his head an kissing me I kissed back I love you -I said Love you to babe -He said watching me as I leave out the front door

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Unlocking my car I got in an put my stuff down in the passenger side a knock came from my window I jumped an rolled it down You forgot your phone babe -He said Oh thank you -I said as he passed it to me.

He gave me another kiss an I left the house. Arriving at my work I parked my car an got out locking it. Hey Y/n -Charlotte said Hey Char -I said hugging her as we walked into the shop.

Hey Olivia -I said "Hey Y/n how you been" -She said Great how was Bali -I said "Amazing I'm a Fiance" -She said Oh my god congrat's -I said hugging her.

A customer walked in Hi are you a walk in or booked in -I said *Uh Booked in* -She said Ok Name please -I said *Brooke* -She said Ok Brooke Gurner -I said *Yep* -She said Ok your with Amelia just over their -I said pointing at Amelia *Ok thank you* -She said.

Work had just finished Bye girlies -I said Bye Y/n see you Monday -Emma said I nodded an waved unlocking my car I got in an started my drive back home.

Pulling up into the driveway I see Will's car I smiled an got out of the car. Unlocking the front door I walked in an took my shoes off shutting the door I locked it.

Babe I'm home -I yelled nothing his game room I walked into his game room, wrapping my arm's around him he looked up an smiled I gave him a kiss Mhm hi baby how was work -He said Great how was training -I said Also great -He said.

I left the room an made my way to the bedroom I got changed into some pajama's an laid in bed while watching some tv.

It had been 2 hr's an I was getting bored as well as horny I got out of bed an walked into Will's game room. Baby -I said nothing Will -I said also nothing Baby I'm horny -I said Still nothing I huffed.

Stupid Call of Duty taking my man away from me a plan came into my mind I got on the ground an crawled under the desk I put my hand on his dick He coughed.

He moved his mic up Baby what are you doing -He said looking at me I'm bored an I've been lonely for 2 hr's an I'm horny -I said crawling back out as he spun around.

I stood up an he grabbed my waist I'm sorry baby let me turn this off an I'll come give you an apology -He said I nodded an he smacked my butt.

Going into the bedroom I took all of my clothes off an crawled into bed I laid their an soon saw Will enter God damn baby -He said taking his clothes off.

He crawled on top of me an kissed me I moaned against his lip's So sexy -He said kissing my neck as he put a finger on my vagina I moaned out.

Watching him move down my stomach kissing my boob's he went down to my vagina an licked it my hand's went to his hair Yes will -I let out arching my back.

He ate me out until I came on his face Oh my god -I let out You taste so good baby -He said kissing me I kissed back as I grabbed his dick an put him in me.

My back arching Faster -I said his hand's moved next to my arm's an rammed faster into me You like that babygirl -He said Yes -I said Very good cum for me baby -He said.

I released over him an he released in me he got out of me an laid beside me as I laid their Now your forgiven -I said He laughed.

The End.

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