Jarome Luai- Store Break In

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Opening my eye's to see the sunrise I smiled as it was beautiful sitting up an looking beside me to see no Jarome I grabbed my phone to see it was 6am that mean's Jarome was still home

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Opening my eye's to see the sunrise I smiled as it was beautiful sitting up an looking beside me to see no Jarome I grabbed my phone to see it was 6am that mean's Jarome was still home.

Getting out of bed I made it an went into the closet I grabbed my outfit for the day as I had to head to work since I work at a shoe shop.

After changing I walked out of the closet an out of the bedroom going down the stair's to see the kitchen light on Jarome looked over an smiled Morning baby -He said as I walked over Morning -I said hugging him I made your lunch bag -He said Thank...

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After changing I walked out of the closet an out of the bedroom going down the stair's to see the kitchen light on Jarome looked over an smiled Morning baby -He said as I walked over Morning -I said hugging him I made your lunch bag -He said Thank you babe that's really kind of you -I said kissing him.

We ate breakfast together an walked outside to our car's He wrapped his arm's around me Alright baby I'll see you when you get home I love you so much -He said I love you to J -I said kissing him.

Getting in our car's we waved an reversed out I drove out first an turned down the street I was going through as we went our seperate way's we honked.

Reaching work I pulled into the parking lot an parked my car getting out I locked my car an walked through the shop. Putting my stuff in my locker I said hi to my other 3 worker's an got straight into work.

A customer walked in Hi how can I help you today -I said "Hello uhm do you have the blue Air Jordan's" -Lady said Yes we do what size are you looking for -I said walking around the counter "Uhm a size 9 please" -She said.

Ok let me go check if we have that size -I said smiling as I walked through the back I looked at the shoe size's an found the shoe.

Everyone get down now -I heard Oh no -I mumbled my worker Cody crawled in an told me to get down as the guy had a gun I got on the ground.

I saw the guy walk in Stay down an shut up -He yelled we nodded as he walked through I quickly grabbed my phone Cover me Cody -I said whispering he nodded.

Calling Jarome he answered Hey baby you can't call me now -He said J please someone's broken into the shop we're on the ground come get me please -I whispered Cody waved me an I put my phone in my shirt.

The guy looked at us suspiciously I was hoping he didn't shoot me then an their he walked out an I grabbed my phone Babe -I said Hey darling it's ok I'm on my way I've called the cop's just listen to the guy just don't give him anything ok I love you babygirl very much ok -He said Love you to J -I said as I ended the call.

Me an Cody looked up as we heard the siren's he smiled Who the fuck called the cop's -Guy yelled walking in he pointed at me You -He said I shaked my head Your a fucking liar -He said pulling me up an putting a arm around my neck as he pointed the gun to my head an walked us outside.

I had tear's streaming down my face the police were stood at their car door's gun's pulled until I saw Jarome's car pull up he put a finger to my mouth.

Let the girl go -Cop 1 said No you can fuck off step any closer she's gone -He said I sobbed Shut up -He yelled chokeing me harder I grasped for air I saw my brother Nathan getting angry.

Next minute I feel myself fall to the ground an the guy on me I groaned as I rolled around the guy stood up to tackle the boy's as I watched he turned his head an grabbed his gun I slowly backed up as I saw Nathan an Jarome's face look up with horror he shot me.

I yelled out the cop's shot the man an Jarome an Nathan ran to me Hey baby it's ok we've got you -Jarome said I'm tired J -I said Don't close your eye's baby stay awake for me darling hey how was work before this happened -He said Great I had a girl is she ok -I said She's ok Sis -Nathan said I think I'm going -I breathed out as I closed my eye's No baby stay awake -Jarome yelled.

Waking upto beeping an bright light's Oh my god -I groaned Baby -I hear Mhm -I groaned Your awake -Jarome said Of course you can't get rid of me -I said He laughed Thank you J I wouldn't of been alive without you an Nath -I said It's ok baby I'm glad your here -He said kissing me I kissed back I love you babygirl -He said I love you to Romey -I said smiling.

The End.

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