Egan Butcher- Murdered

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Warnings: Death, Murder, Blood~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Alright babe I'm off -Egan said coming downstairs Ok I'll see you at the game -I said looking at him as he made his way to me at the kitchen bench

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Warnings: Death, Murder, Blood
Alright babe I'm off -Egan said coming downstairs Ok I'll see you at the game -I said looking at him as he made his way to me at the kitchen bench.

He put his arm's around my shoulder's an leaned in an kissed me I kissed back Mhm I love you -He said kissing my neck I love you to baby -I said See you in an hour -He said Yep just an hour -I said laughing.

Egan had just left I was already ready for the game..

Grabbing my car key's I went outside to my car an drove to the stadium

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Grabbing my car key's I went outside to my car an drove to the stadium. Arriving I got out of the car an walked into the stadium showing my pass.

I sat next to some fan's of the Rooster's I shook their hand's So who's your favourite -Fan said Uh my boyfriend is Egan Butcher -I said Wait really -He said Yeh -I said showing him my lockscreen Oh cute -He said.

The game started an Egan got a try I jumped up an screamed He pointed at me I blew a kiss an the game went back.

Their was a penalty given to Rooster's for a high tackle but the Titan's fan's weren't liking that. A Titan fan stood up an started yelling at us Rooster's fan's I just sat their minding my business.

The guy next to me named Leo stood up an started yelling back they started fighting until I felt a stab in my stomach I gasped an looked at Leo Fuck -He said The crowd starting yelling for help.

No One's POV
Alright the game has just been stopped as a Titan fan an Rooster fan were fighting oh someone's been stabbed a lady Oh crap hope she is ok -Commentator said.

Security ran upto the seat an saw Y/n laying their her eye's rolling back an forth "Hey does she have any family" -Security asked She's the girlfriend of Egan Butcher Rooster's player -Leo said "Ok Hey we've got the girlfriend of Egan Butcher Rooster's player she was the one stabbed she is losing blood an is going out of consciousness" -Security said in Radio.

Oh so the Lady is the girlfriend of Egan Butcher Y/n this just took a whole different turn -Commentator said.

Egan was stood on the field waiting to hear the commentator's say the game was go but the commentator's message came over Fucking Hell -He let out I'm going -He said To Nat Go -He said Egan ran to the barrier's and jumped over them.

He made it to his girlfriend Move -He said the security moved Egan kneeled down next to his girlfriend Baby can you hear me -Egan said She nodded I need you to stay with me ok -He said I can't Egan it hurt's I think I'm gonna go I love you -She said You will not baby -He said holding her hand.

Who stabbed her -Egan asked they pointed to the guy in cuff's Egan stood up an walked to him an punched him You nearly killed my girlfriend you fucking dick go live in Jail an stay their till you die -Egan said.

While Egan was fighting Y/n felt limp an lost her pulse Hey hey Egan she's gone -Leo yelled The ambulance arrived Egan ran to them What -He said feeling for a pulse No baby you stay -He said but Y/n was already gone Egan went back down crying an hugged his brother who also let out a few tear's an held his brother the game was cancelled.

The End.

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