(SMUT)Cameron Murray- Farmer

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Waking upto my alarm for 4am I groaned an sat up turning my lamp on I looked out my balcony door to see the sun slowly rising but also 2 horse's at my door

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Waking upto my alarm for 4am I groaned an sat up turning my lamp on I looked out my balcony door to see the sun slowly rising but also 2 horse's at my door.

What the fuck -I said getting out of bed I opened the door an grabbed some string in my room I put it over their harness an tied them to the pole's.

How the fuck did you 2 get out -I said patting them walking back into my room I went into the bathroom as it was going to be chilly an rainy I went for a warmer outfit.

How the fuck did you 2 get out -I said patting them walking back into my room I went into the bathroom as it was going to be chilly an rainy I went for a warmer outfit

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Leaving my bedroom I grabbed the horse's string lead's an walked them to the front of the house seeing my dad an another man.

Dad where did Jonathon go cause he forgot to lock the horse's -I said He's fired darling cause he killed a cow -He said What -I yelled reaching them.

Oh sorry hi I'm Y/n an you are -I said holding out a hand Cameron Murray -He said shaking my hand Ah I knew I recognized you Rabbitoh's player their my fav -I said.

That's great darling then you can show him around an hang out you know you need a boyfriend -My dad said An you need to get back to work -I said glaring He laughed an walked off.

Come on then I need to go put these 2 in their stable's -I said Coming -He said So what are these 2's name's -He said This white one is Milky an this brown one is Chocolate -I said.

Food related I like it -He said Yes so why you here when you play football -I said Well were on a bye this week an whenever I have day's after game's or on break's I like to work on farm's so your dad hired me as he's close with my parent's -He said.

Ooh well welcome an do you know what your doing -I said Yeh getting a tour from you -He said That was a test -I said smiling at him.

Ooh well welcome an do you know what your doing -I said Yeh getting a tour from you -He said That was a test -I said smiling at him

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